Tuesday 17 December 2013

Fiona Bruce MP appointed Patron of Astbury Mere Trust

Fiona Bruce MP appointed Patron of Astbury Mere

Fiona Bruce MP has accepted an invitation to become Patron of Astbury Mere Trust.

Chairman of the Trustees Rob Minshull said,

“We are pleased to announce that our Member of Parliament Fiona Bruce has kindly agreed to become the Patron of the Astbury Mere Trust.

All our Trustees are delighted that Fiona is willing to take on this important role, not just as a figurehead but to use her considerable influence for the betterment of the Astbury Mere Country Park.

The Trustees who are responsible for the running of the park are all volunteers and have spent a huge amount of their free time to provide Congleton with this beautiful free facility for more than twenty years. Their work is often taken in adversity and having Fiona’s support is a great encouragement to re-double their efforts.”

Fiona Bruce has already taken action in her role and arranged meetings between the Trustees and representatives from a number of potential partners within the Cheshire area to discuss how more support for Astbury Mere Country Park can be obtained.

Fiona Bruce MP added,

“Many, if not most, of the thousands of people who enjoy visiting Astbury Mere Country Park and using its facilities in different ways whether sailing, walking or even just sitting out on sunny days, are unaware that virtually all the substantial costs of running the park are obtained by voluntary donations.

It is a huge commitment for the Trustees, year on year, to raise and sustain the sums required to maintain the park, its trees, landscape, walkways and grassed areas in its excellent condition all year round.

The park is used not only by individuals but also by a huge number of community groups. Additional funding support whether from the Local Authority, commercial sponsors or through increased donations from those who use and enjoy the park are all areas we are looking at and I am pleased to be able to support the Trustees in this way.”