Tuesday 17 December 2013

Fiona Bruce MP Leads Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal

Fiona Bruce MP Leads Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal

Fiona Bruce MP leads the collection of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes in Parliament, which has encouraged MPs to bring their shoeboxes from their constituencies all over the country to the Parliamentary collection point.

Fiona Bruce MP. speaking in Parliament at the collection of the shoeboxes, said:

“It is a joy to put together a shoebox at Christmas time for Operation Christmas Child, run by Samaritans Purse, and I have been doing so for twenty years. I am absolutely delighted to be behind the great initiative encouraging MPs to bring shoeboxes to Parliament.

So many of us in this country all have so much and this is a way, with not a lot of effort, we can provide a gift to a young person in a developing country which may be the only gift they receive this Christmas or even the only gift they have ever receive.

Over 23 years ago Operation Christmas Child was started by one man in a church in Wrexham driving a lorry to Romania after the terrible crisis there – Operation Christmas Child now deliver 105 countries with 9 million boxes being delivered this year which is quite remarkable. The 100 millionth shoebox will be delivered this Christmas – that is certainly something to celebrate.”