Thursday 21 November 2013

North West Women's Enterprise Day 2013

Fiona Bruce MP attends North West Women’s Enterprise Day 2013

This year’s North West Women’s Enterprise Day was held at Cranage Hall where women already in business or aspiring to set up their own enterprises met to learn how to achieve success in business.

Dozens of delegates came from across the North West of England and a wide range of backgrounds, from retail, production, professional and the service sectors.

Attending the day Fiona Bruce MP, a former Small Business Bureau Businesswoman of the Year, said:

“This year there was a real emphasis on encouraging the women attending to share their own know-how between themselves. Often we can learn as much from each other, for example how to juggle home and work commitments, bench mark ourselves against industry standards, manage personnel and close deals as we can from formal conference presentations. It was encouraging to hear just how much expertise there was in the room. This bodes well for business and enterprise in the North West as increasing numbers of women are setting up their own businesses – and enjoying it!”

Fiona Bruce continued:

“The North West Business Enterprise Days are always a positive experience for women not least because the day encourages them that they are not alone on their business journeys and that many of us have experienced and overcome similar challenges. It was particularly encouraging to hear of how previous such Enterprise Days had helped women such as Jayne Srith from Creative with Candy in Macclesfield whose first orders came from her attending the North West Women’s Enterprise Day 2011.”