Monday 25 November 2013

New figures showing start up loans for businesses in Cheshire East

Fiona Bruce MP welcomes new figures showing Start-Up Loans for new businesses in Cheshire East

Fiona Bruce MP has welcomed new figures that show the Government’s Start-Up Loans Scheme has helped 37 entrepreneurs in Cheshire East set up their own business. Across the country 10,000 Start-Up Loans have now been awarded, worth a total of £50 million.

Fiona Bruce MP commented:

“Because of the financial crisis we inherited, people who want to set up a new business have often found it hard to get a loan. This has prevented people with ideas and aspiration from putting their business plans into action.

“Today’s figures show that Start-Up Loans are changing that - here in Cheshire East £196,050 has been lent to 37 budding entrepreneurs. This will ensure that all their potential and ideas don’t go to waste. Too many constituents have come to me saying that they cannot get the right bank finance for them and this Government scheme is going a long way to address that problem. If people want to know more they should see the website An additional bonus is that not only is finance accessible but also all important mentoring which can make the critical difference for a person starting out on their business journey which can often seem a lonely one, particularly at first. ”

As I know from over twenty-five years of running a business in Cheshire which I started up on my living room floor – local businesses the lifeblood of a vibrant local economy. That’s why I devote so much time both in Parliament and in my Constituency to support people who want to set up and run their own business. I also know how utterly rewarding building a business can be, creating something from scratch and seeing it grow and helping to release the potential of employees and building a team. Not only does this create local jobs, but also strengthens local community life.”