Tuesday 12 November 2013

Fiona Bruce MP Hosts Pro-Life Student Event in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP Hosts Pro-Life Student Event in Parliament

On Tuesday 5th November, Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of All Party Parliamentary Pro Life Group (APPLG), and the Alliance of Pro-Life Students (APS) hosted an evening reception in Parliament where pro-life politicians, students and recent graduates from across Britain had the chance to connect. In conjunction with APS’ mission and vision this was an excellent opportunity for pro-life students to support each other and to exchange ideas about how best to promote a positive pro-life ethic on campus. The university age bracket has one of the highest abortion rates within the demographic (ONS 2012) making campus pro-life work all the more vital.

With the All Party Pro-Life Group (APPLG) providing the Jubilee Room in the Palace of Westminster, and, having just launched APS membership, this was the perfect opportunity for APS' members to meet each other in person. The organisation’s young leaders gave short but stirring speeches: Eve Farren (Executive Director) discussed the future of APS and the importance of free speech on campus; Ed Smith (Chairman of the Board of Directors) talked about concrete ways that students can get involved with the organisation; and Isaac Spencer (President of Cardiff Students for Life) reflected on the need for APS, from a student leader’s perspective. In addition, Lord David Alton and Fiona Bruce MP inspired the assembled students by encouraging them to actively defend life.

 Fiona Bruce MP, Co-Chair of the APPLG, commented following the event:

“Congratulations to everyone at the Alliance of Pro Life Students for making this event such a success! It was enormously encouraging to meet so many passionate and articulate young people fired up to support the Pro Life cause.”

Lord Alton of Liverpool commented:

“It is really heartening to see such a wave of articulate, intelligent and committed university students from all over the UK, passionately arguing for new attitudes towards the unborn, the terminally ill and the dying.  Young people like these provide reasons to be cautiously hopeful about the future of our society.”

Through the friendships and contacts made at the event, APS has laid a firm foundation for the longevity and continued growth of the pro-life movement in British universities for years to come.