Monday 1 October 2012

Save Our Sandbach Rally

Fiona Bruce MP speaks at Save our Sandbach Rally

At the rally of Sandbach residents on 29th September, Fiona Bruce said:
“Sandbach is a jewel in Cheshire East’s crown.
The fact is, the town has already made generous provision towards Cheshire East’s 5,500 five year housing quota, with around 1000 homes already given consent for in Sandbach   - but as yet un-built , - many on brownfield sites.
So I say to developers -    Build on those sites! “
Sandbach is a town of 18,000 people – whilst Cheshire East has a population of over 363,000 ,  - so even at 1000 un-built houses, we are way over our fair contribution to Cheshire East’s housing needs.
As well all know, Sandbach is an enormously attractive place to live - not only because of the lovely market town centre, but also – and very importantly – due to the strong community life here, the voluntary groups, dedicated Councillors, co mmunity groups, music groups, excellent schools and good road and rail transport links.
But, just because of its high quality of life, Sandbach is a town under siege.
Under siege from developers who threaten the town’s very character, its community and its green spaces.  If undeterred developers would undoubtedly have all of Cheshire East’s housing needs fulfilled by Sandbach for years to come.
That is totally unacceptable, unfair , and unsustainable for the town of Sandbach
No wonder the townsfolk are out in force today – young and old, business people, Councillors, the abled and the less abled and community group representatives - and I pay tribute to you all  for coming out in such numbers - and we are saying with one voice to developers:
Enough is Enough”
Developers, have targeted Sandbach and its green spaces,
-not to add to the amenity of the town
-not to add to the community of the town
-not to add to the character of the town
-but motivated by pure profit.
And let developers take notice of this  - that we here together today will fight you  all the way if you pursue your plans to build thousands more houses on some of Sandbach’s choicest land – some of it Cheshire’s fine agricultural land- without regard to existing residents wishes, without regard to the pressure you will put on infrastructure, schools or roads and without regard to the character and amenity of the town.
Sandbach is a community - not  a commuter belt.
To ensure that the message that you, the people of Sandbach have given today, turning up, as you have done, in such numbers, to oppose further development, is heard loudly and clearly by Government, I have arranged for Michael Jones, Leader of Cheshire East Council, to meet Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government,  in Parliament. At that meeting Michael and I  will  be taking your message from today to Eric Pickles -  that  “Enough is Enough”  regarding development in Sandbach   -   and discussing with him how a long term Strategic Plan can be developed to protect Sandbach from piecemeal, aggressive attacks from developers.
Yes, the Government wants development , and yes Cheshire East Council want development – but it has to be in the right place; it has to be Local Plan led and it has to be sustainable.
It cannot take place where development ignores local people’s wishes,  where development ignores local planning advice and recommendations, where development ignores Local Town Plans, or with scant regard and little  responsibility as to how a town will absorb the numbers of new residents which thousands of new homes will bring in – and it must not  take place by developers  cherry picking some of the choicest land in Cheshire .
Today, standing together, residents, Councillors, and Member of Parliament, we are saying with  one voice - “Enough is Enough”
And one final point – we are not NIMBYs – we simply want a fair deal for Sandbach.