Monday 8 October 2012

Junction 17 - M6

MP delighted for entire constituency following M6 J17 funding decision

The Government announced today that it will provide £3.4million to improve Junction 17 by converting the existing frequently congested junction to a roundabout on the Northbound side and a signalised junction for the Southbound side.

Fiona Bruce MP said:
I am delighted that with this announcement over two year’s hard work has paid off.
When I was first elected MP, local people told me that congestion at Junction 17 was one of their chief concerns, so I contacted the Highways Agency and arranged a meeting, including with a representative from Cheshire East Council. At first the Highways Agency said they could not undertake any improvement works as J17 did not fall within their priorities for action.
I stressed to them that the junction is not only frequently congested but also potentially highly dangerous, and these risks will only increase over time. I asked them to think again. I also raised these concerns with the Transport Minister several times, including in the Chamber of the House of Commons at Transport Question Time and have continually pressed for action on Junction 17 for two years.
I am delighted therefore that the Government has reviewed the criteria to which the Highways Agency can work when funds are allocated for major highways works like J17 and that £3.4million is being provided directly by Government to improve the junction, the work to be completed by March 2015.
These improvement works will make a huge difference to the daily lives of literally thousands of my constituents, as well as further supporting business growth throughout my constituency. This is tremendous news for everyone living and working in the whole area.
I pay tribute to everybody who has worked towards this, particularly the hard working Sandbach area Councillors Barry Moran, Gill Merry and Rhoda Bailey, to Cheshire East Council – both elected Members and traffic officers, staff at the Highways Agency and at the Ministry of Transport – this shows what can be done when people work effectively together in the best interests of the local community.”