Thursday 4 October 2012

Sandbach Pub Watch Radios

Fiona Bruce promotes Pub Watch radio scheme
The Sandbach Pub Watch scheme, spearheaded by Secretary of Pub Watch, Kevin McAvan of Market Tavern, is trying to secure a system of radio contact between pubs and the police in Sandbach. Pub Watch already operates in the town to promote awareness between traders regarding potential problems they may face and hopefully ‘nipping them in the bud’.
Adding the radio facility to the scheme would improve communication by connecting all Sandbach landlords to each other and to the police CCTV control room in Macclesfield who could alert the local police should the need arise.  This has support from all members of Pub Watch, who would contribute to the cost of radios, and the local PCSO as well as Sandbach MP, Fiona Bruce.
The scheme has however reached a potential stumbling block in terms of funding for the connection to the CCTV control room and Fiona Bruce MP has, at the request of the Secretary of Pub Watch, contacted the Chief Constable of Cheshire Constabulary to see what can be done to ensure the extra facility for this project goes ahead.
Kevin McAvan, Secretary of Pub Watch said “This can be used in the daytime by retailers; it’s not just pubs that will benefit; places like Aldi and Waitrose are already on board with the scheme
Fiona Bruce MP said of the scheme “The scheme already has strong local support, and Sandbach is a town which is a pleasure to shop and spend leisure time in.  This addition to the scheme offers the potential to improve eve more the security and well being for residents, visitors and traders in Sandbach. I hope it can be successfully established and commend Kevin McAvan and all other Sandbach landlords and business people committed to the scheme.”