Monday 17 September 2012

Sandbach Today

Fiona Bruce MP attends Sandbach Today

Fiona Bruce MP attended Sandbach Today, this year organised by Sandbach Partnership, led by Dot Flint, and said:
“Once again Sandbach Today showcased the strength and depth of community groups in Sandbach.  It was a privilege to jointly open the event with Deputy Mayor Mike Benson and thanks all those involved for their enduring hard work and commitment throughout the year.”
Fiona continued:
“I was particularly impressed this year at how the number of new groups are developing – Sandbach Today this year saw the launch of a new group ‘Friends of Sandbach Station’ and the innovative ideas put forward for people to consider e.g. ‘Friends of Elworth Park’ for improving the park facilities there were exciting to see. It was also great fun to see the flower, fruit and vegetables grown by the ‘Sandbach Allotment’ Society’ – including some potential prize winners!”