Wednesday 19 September 2012

Record Number of New Businesses in Congleton

Fiona Bruce MP praises business in Congleton as record number of business open in the town

Fiona Bruce MP congratulated Congleton this week as it was announced that the first half of the year saw a record number of new companies in Congleton, according to the latest Companies House data.
Fiona said “It is excellent that Congleton has seen this record rise in businesses. The spirit of entrepreneurship is very much alive and well in the town with the vibrant East Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Trade based here too, and I am proud to represent a town that is seeing such growth in business start-ups with over 230 new companies registering between January and June this year. What is particularly encouraging is that at the same time unemployment figures for my Constituency have fallen.”
Commenting on the news that a record number of new businesses have set up in Congleton in the first half of 2012, Congleton Town Mayor, Councillor Sally Ann Holland said: “I am delighted that so many companies have chosen to set up in Congleton, Cheshire. We have a great location, great quality of life and a strong community and entrepreneurial spirit. Congleton is a great place to do business and I wish all the new companies, and future companies too, great success in our town.”
Congleton prides itself on being proactive with excellent joint working between the community, Councils, High Schools, Congleton Partnership, Chamber of Commerce and Fiona Bruce MP all committed to keeping Congleton an attractive place to work, live and visit.