Wednesday 19 September 2012

Alsager Station Mural

Fiona Bruce MP visits Alsager Station’s commemorative mural

The Friends of Alsager Station invited Fiona Bruce MP to visit the new mural at the Station to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee year containing scenes of Alsager life through the ages including Milton Gardens, the market and The Mere. It also depicts the changing life of the Station itself with a beautiful sepia picture of an old steam engine contrasting the brightly coloured modern day train that now operates on the line.
Fiona Bruce said “Alsager Station improves every time I am there. This is down to the sustained and committed work of the Friends of Alsager Station and the addition of this mural this year adds yet another element of local colour to the station, making it a most inviting point to start a journey and a particularly welcoming entrance to Alsager for visitors.”
The Friends of Alsager Station have already cultivated extensive elements of the banks along the line to the nearside of the town and are planning to extend work on the far side.