Wednesday 19 September 2012

Sandbach Town Team Partner Bid

Fiona Bruce MP supports Sandbach Town Team’s Portas Application

Fiona Bruce MP has given her backing to Sandbach’s bid to become a “Town Team Partner” and to be awarded a share of £1 million of Government funding to help improve Sandbach town centre. Applications for a share of this Portas money require the positive support of the local MP as a bid condition.

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“It is my privilege to give my strong support to Sandbach’s application for a share of this money from the Government which is being awarded to help strengthen town centres that demonstrate they are well worth supporting – as Sandbach certainly is. I am pleased that the Government has responded so enthusiastically to the recommendations made in the Mary Portas Review and hope Sandbach’s exciting market regeneration plans can take flight to help strengthen trade in the town and the shopping experience for both residents and visitors alike.”

If successful, the application states, “Sandbach intend to use some of the funds to promote the use of the currently underused market area for new retail ideas. This would involve promotion and also the movement of the historic charter Thursday market to the High Street.  This market has a history of bringing many visitors to the town and requires some renewal. Plans will also focus on building conservation and heritage, these key to promoting visitor economy.

Alsager Town Team Partner Bid

Fiona Bruce MP supports Alsager Town Team’s Portas Application

Fiona Bruce MP has given her backing to Alsager’s bid to become a Town Team Partner and to be awarded a share of £1 million of Government funding to help improve Alsager town centre. Applications for a share of this Portas money require the positive support of the local MP as a bid condition.

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“I am delighted to strongly support Alsager’s application for a share in this money from the Government and wish the Alsager Partnership all the best as they seek to obtain this funding. I am pleased to see the energetic response of Alsager to this opportunity and hope that Alsager’s exciting and innovative plans can spring into action.”

If successfully achieved, the application states, “Funds will be spent on equipment to enable and improve town centre events including the purchase of PA Equipment, a gazebo, a permanent banner stand for advertising, and flags to denote events. These will be used by the town team events and arts groups, and to promote activities in the centrally located Civic Centre.”

Sandbach Day of Dance

Fiona Bruce MP attends Sandbach Day of Dance

Fiona Bruce MP attended the Sandbach Day of Dance on Saturday to see wonderful, traditional Morris dancing enliven Sandbach. Morris dancers came from across the region to take part in the daylong event in the town and many different styles of Morris dancing were showcased from Cotswolds Morris with the well known hankies and bells to North West Morris in clogs!
Fiona Bruce MP with the Milltown Cloggies and Poynton Jemmers
Speaking after the event, Fiona Bruce said  “The whole atmosphere was bright and lively and the sunshine topped off a very special day for Sandbach.  Sandbach residents, Lynn Purcell and Ray Archer, are to be congratulated on creating an event which so many people, of all ages, enjoyed so much – particularly since it takes huge effort to make an event involving so many people such a success.”

Elworth Methodist Church Open Day

Fiona Bruce MP attends Open Day at refurbished Elworth Methodist Church and Community Centre

On visiting the centre, Fiona Bruce said “It was lovely to see Elworth Methodist Church and Community Centre open for the day for people to see what a delightful job has been done to make the whole centre so flexible for use, not only by the congregation, but also by so many community groups such as the Boy’s Brigade and Mums & Tots.  Those in charge of the works have done an excellent job combining the traditional architecture of the building, such as the splendid interior wood panelled roof with fresh and modern decor and facilities.”

Middlewich Show 2012

Fiona Bruce MP attends Middlewich Show Society Annual Show 2012

Middlewich and District Show Society Annual Flower and Vegetable show was held in Middlewich Civic Hall on 8th September, this year assisted by Middlewich Town Council.
Speaking after the event, Fiona Bruce said “The show is a wonderful example of community life in Middlewich, involving so many local people, and particularly this year, young exhibitors. The flowers and vegetables on display looked incredible, as always. It is a tradition I will be pleased to continue supporting for some time to come!”

Fiona Bruce MP Praises Middlewich Artisan Market

Fiona Bruce MP praises Middlewich’s Artisan Market

Fiona Bruce MP said “I really enjoyed the Artisan Market in Middlewich.  It had not only some exclusive produce such as the flavoured meets exclusively imported from Spain for the market but also some great local produce such as the cakes and puddings “Made by Trish” of Middlewich – I can highly recommend her sticky toffee pudding – and great breads such as the walnut loaf which I bought from the stall run by Middlewich Shop, Le Patissier.

Fiona Bruce MP at the Le Patissier Stall

This is the kind of community event which brings people together and adds so much to the quality of life of a town and deserves all the support it can get; including from the local councils and it was great to see representatives from Middlewich Town Council doing their usual great job in this respect.
Stallholder Graham Ryan told me ‘The customers are genuinely excited about this market’ and Tracey Phelps of Mininki’s Kitchen stall said ‘We are doing really well for our first time here.’

Miniki's Kitchen Stall

Stallholder Trish Ryan of the ‘Made by Trish’ stall told me ‘This is a great market; people are really supportive and I hope it continues – every Saturday has been busier than the last.’

Made by Trish

The many local residents I spoke to were really enthusiastic about the market, such as Josie Dunning and Neil Clewes who commented ‘This is really adding something to Middlewich local life’.”

Record Number of New Businesses in Congleton

Fiona Bruce MP praises business in Congleton as record number of business open in the town

Fiona Bruce MP congratulated Congleton this week as it was announced that the first half of the year saw a record number of new companies in Congleton, according to the latest Companies House data.
Fiona said “It is excellent that Congleton has seen this record rise in businesses. The spirit of entrepreneurship is very much alive and well in the town with the vibrant East Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Trade based here too, and I am proud to represent a town that is seeing such growth in business start-ups with over 230 new companies registering between January and June this year. What is particularly encouraging is that at the same time unemployment figures for my Constituency have fallen.”
Commenting on the news that a record number of new businesses have set up in Congleton in the first half of 2012, Congleton Town Mayor, Councillor Sally Ann Holland said: “I am delighted that so many companies have chosen to set up in Congleton, Cheshire. We have a great location, great quality of life and a strong community and entrepreneurial spirit. Congleton is a great place to do business and I wish all the new companies, and future companies too, great success in our town.”
Congleton prides itself on being proactive with excellent joint working between the community, Councils, High Schools, Congleton Partnership, Chamber of Commerce and Fiona Bruce MP all committed to keeping Congleton an attractive place to work, live and visit.

Mobile Broadband Triumph

Fiona Bruce MP pleased as Parliamentary campaign for improved mobile broadband coverage triumphs

The long Parliamentary campaign to bring mobile broadband coverage to most areas celebrated a milestone today, as OFCOM finally announced auction plans that will see broadband coverage increased to an estimated 98% of the UK population, and will vastly improve infrastructure in rural areas of the UK.
Traditionally, up to 6 million people in Britain have been excluded from good mobile broadband service, particularly in rural areas. Fiona Bruce MP was one of the leaders of the campaign to increase the coverage, signing a back-bench business committee debate motion urging OFCOM to increase the coverage to at least 98 % of the population. The motion was carried unanimously at the end of a 3-hour debate.
Fiona also called a debate calling for considerably improved broadband services for Cheshire East earlier in this Parliament and for Government funding for this of which over £3 million has already been secured.
The long-awaited auction will start later this year, but bidding will not begin until early 2013, which Ofcom say is in line with its previous timetable. The regulator says it expects consumers to "start getting services in late 2013". It says its plans should see mobile broadband rolled out to at least 98% of people in rural areas across the UK, and the auction will offer the equivalent of three-quarters of the mobile spectrum currently in use - some 80% more than released in the 3G auction which took place in 2000.
This is an investment that will transform the fortunes of thousands of small and medium sized businesses, currently hamstrung by inadequate mobile phone and internet coverage. Hundreds of thousands of homes, schools, farms and businesses will get access to decent mobile and internet coverage for the first time.
Fiona Bruce said “I am thrilled by this news; improved broadband coverage has long been a point on which I have campaigned for my constituents. Investment in mobile coverage and superfast broadband is the greatest single action that can be taken to drive economic growth and improve the quality of life of residents across my constituency.”

Doorstep Selling

Fiona Bruce MP supports campaign on doorstep selling
In order to help protect vulnerable people in their homes Fiona Bruce MP is supporting the Office of Fair Trading’s Summer Doorstep Selling campaign, empowering local residents to deal with untoward doorstep sellers. 
Research conducted on behalf of the Office of Fair Trading highlights the elderly as being particularly at risk of doorstep selling scams. One in five people over the age of 70 who were interviewed admitted to not being confident in deciding whether to employ a tradesperson and a fifth of those questioned couldn’t see through pressure sales tactics such as having to pay cash in advance or having to make a quick decision to get a good deal.[1]
Fiona Bruce MP says: “While, of course, by no means all doorstep sellers are dishonest, unlawful traders can be unscrupulous and use a range of persuasive tactics to sell seemingly irresistible offers to unsuspecting and often vulnerable people in their homes.  I’m urging everyone who knows or cares for a vulnerable, elderly person to make sure they are aware of their rights when it comes to suspect door step approaches.  No one should feel pressured into making a rash buying decision. I have been delivering cards for constituents to put in their window discouraging cold callers and giving advice on dealing with doorstep sellers and hope to deliver a number more across the constituency over the coming weeks. Any resident wanting such a card should contact my office on 01260 274044.”

The OFT offers the following top 10 tips on how to deal with doorstep sellers:
Ten Top Tips
Buy Wisely and Safely on your Doorstep
Many people who sell things on the doorstep are legitimate traders, but unfortunately some aren’t. Rogue traders may use illegal pressure selling tactics to make people buy and they can ignore their legal rights. The Office of Fair Trading has developed ten top tips to help you buy safely and with confidence on your doorstep – and to help you say ‘no’ when you need to.

1. Don’t sign on the spot
Don’t feel pressured to agree on the spot- if you are interested in what they are selling, you can ask them to come back at another time that is more convenient for you, maybe when you have someone else with you or you’ve shopped around.

2. Check the trader’s identity
Always ask for an identity card and look up the organisation to check the salesperson’s identity is genuine. Don’t use the number on their card. Check if the trader is a member of a reputable trade body, like the Direct Selling Association, whose members should ensure their salespeople sell responsibly.

3. Be wary of special offers or warnings about your home
Don't get taken in by sales banter or high pressure selling techniques. Don’t be hurried into a decision even if there is a discount. The discount might be on a price that is too high in the first place.

4. Always shop around for the best price
Check with other companies offering the same product first. Make sure the price and product is right for you.

5. Read the small print
Always read documents carefully before you sign them and make sure you fully understand your rights. It’s best to ask salespeople to call back so you can do this in your own time – don’t be rushed into signing before you feel ready.

6. Double check the facts
Make sure you fully understand the total costs of the transaction – including estimates, delivery and installation and the arrangements for after-sales servicing, such as the guarantees or warranties. Only agree to make a purchase once you’re entirely satisfied that the transaction is acceptable.

7. Talk to someone you trust for a second opinion
Take the time to talk to someone you trust – for example your family, a friend or carer – before you sign anything.

8. Don’t hand over a cash deposit
Avoid handing over money before work is started. A reliable trader will never ask you to do this (even if they need materials). Never agree to go with a trader to the bank to take money out.

9. Think very carefully before you agree to a trader starting any work straight away
If you agree to have any work done or goods delivered within the seven day cooling-off period, you may have to pay if you later change your mind and cancel the contract.

10. Trust your instincts
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

And finally ... it’s OK to say no
Remember it’s your doorstep and your decision. If you feel pressured for any reason ask the person to leave.

If in doubt, visit or call the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 08454 04 05 06

[1] SPA Future Thinking Doorstep Selling Research 2011 – 670 face-to-face interviews were conducted with respondents aged 70+.  Locations were spread across Great Britain.  Interviewing was conducted from 25th – 30th November 2011.

Alsager Station Mural

Fiona Bruce MP visits Alsager Station’s commemorative mural

The Friends of Alsager Station invited Fiona Bruce MP to visit the new mural at the Station to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee year containing scenes of Alsager life through the ages including Milton Gardens, the market and The Mere. It also depicts the changing life of the Station itself with a beautiful sepia picture of an old steam engine contrasting the brightly coloured modern day train that now operates on the line.
Fiona Bruce said “Alsager Station improves every time I am there. This is down to the sustained and committed work of the Friends of Alsager Station and the addition of this mural this year adds yet another element of local colour to the station, making it a most inviting point to start a journey and a particularly welcoming entrance to Alsager for visitors.”
The Friends of Alsager Station have already cultivated extensive elements of the banks along the line to the nearside of the town and are planning to extend work on the far side.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sunday Trading Hours

Fiona Bruce MP raises local concerns about Sunday Trading Hours in Parliament

On Tuesday 18th September Fiona Bruce MP spoke out in Parliament against any change in the law governing Sunday Trading. Following the temporary extension of Sunday Trading Hours during the Olympic and Paralympic period, Fiona Bruce MP requested assurance from the Minister responsible that this extension will not be treated as a ‘test period’ for permanent changes in the law.

Fiona Bruce MP said:

“When the temporary change in the law was introduced in April, the Government gave clear assurance that this was not a trial for a permanent change in the law. I was therefore deeply concerned by reports in the press which called for MPs to make this temporary change permanent and, as a result, took the first available opportunity to voice my concerns in Parliament.

I believe designated rest periods are crucial for our health and wellbeing as well as for our relationships with family and friends. After speaking to retailers in Cheshire it became clear that this was the view of many of my Constituents too. I will continue to vigorously oppose any change in the law.”

Sandbach Pub named CAMRA Champion Pub of Cheshire

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates the CAMRA Champion Pub of Cheshire
Fiona Bruce MP visited The Lower Chequers Inn on the cobbles of Sandbach this weekend to congratulate its owners, James Mason and Elizabeth Cooke, on being named CAMRA Champion Pub of Cheshire.
Fiona Bruce saidThe Lower Chequers is a lovely pub in a beautiful spot in town and its award is thoroughly deserved, I’m so pleased I was able to visit and congratulate James and Elizabeth and their staff on their success.”

Elizabeth and James said “We are thrilled, for such a small pub, to have gone from difficult circumstances only two and a half years ago to Cheshire Pub of the Year is fantastic.  It is like a lifetime achievement in only two and a half years. We had a fantastic weekend with the events in the town and the sunshine topping it off.  It was lovely that Fiona was able to pop in and brilliant that she was so interested in what we do. We are a traditional pub, we don’t serve shots or play loud music, it’s a place where people can come and have a drink and chat together.”
The Lower Chequers is in the oldest building in Sandbach and is a very traditional family pub with dogs and children welcome.

Monday 17 September 2012

Sandbach Today

Fiona Bruce MP attends Sandbach Today

Fiona Bruce MP attended Sandbach Today, this year organised by Sandbach Partnership, led by Dot Flint, and said:
“Once again Sandbach Today showcased the strength and depth of community groups in Sandbach.  It was a privilege to jointly open the event with Deputy Mayor Mike Benson and thanks all those involved for their enduring hard work and commitment throughout the year.”
Fiona continued:
“I was particularly impressed this year at how the number of new groups are developing – Sandbach Today this year saw the launch of a new group ‘Friends of Sandbach Station’ and the innovative ideas put forward for people to consider e.g. ‘Friends of Elworth Park’ for improving the park facilities there were exciting to see. It was also great fun to see the flower, fruit and vegetables grown by the ‘Sandbach Allotment’ Society’ – including some potential prize winners!”