Wednesday 20 June 2012

Scouts Visit Parliament

Middlewich Scouts join MP for Speaker’s reception at the House of Commons

Scouts from Middlewich joined Fiona Bruce, Member of Parliament for Middlewich along with 150 young people in Scouting and volunteer Scout leaders from across the UK to meet with MPs at the annual Speaker’s reception.  The event is a unique opportunity for young people in Scouting to experience meeting with their own and other MPs in the House of Commons to talk about Scouting today. Fiona Bruce met Darien Farrington and Vicky Rose, both scouts from Middlewich. In addition to the reception Fiona Bruce arranged for Vicky and Darien to have a tour of the Houses of Parliament
Fiona Bruce MP said:
“I was delighted to meet some of the Scouts from my constituency and that they were given the opportunity to attend such a special event.  I am particularly proud that Scouting and also the Guide movement in the constituency I represent is going from strength to strength. I have enjoyed attending a wide range of scouting events in my constituency and so it was good to reverse roles and welcome scouts to visit me and welcome scouts to see how Westminster works. Today’s Scouts and Guides learn a huge range of skills which prepare them excellently for the responsibilities of adult life and the world of work and the National Parliamentary reception for Scouts gave me an opportunity to thank Scout Leaders for all that they do..”
After the trip Vicky Rose said to Fiona:
 “Thank you so very much for meeting me at Westminster and for arranging the tour, I had a fantastic time and felt very privileged.”