Friday 1 June 2012

Congleton restaurant Nobanno wins Regional final of Tiffin Cup

Congleton restaurant Nobanno wins Regional final of Tiffin Cup
Nobanno has been chosen as the North West Regional finalist – one of 13 national finalists- in the prestigious Tiffin Cup competition.
The grand final of the Tiffin Cup 2012 will be held in the       House of Commons on 27th June. Nobanno will then be asked to produce a signature dish in the House of Commons restaurant in a ‘cook off’ to be judged by a group of top levels cookery writers and restaurateurs led by Ken Hom.
The Tiffin Cup competition is held each year to find the best South Asian restaurant in the country and Nobanno was nominated by Fiona Bruce MP.
Fiona Bruce MP said “I am delighted that Nobanno has made it to the final of the Tiffin Cup 2012. This is well deserved as their food is delicious. This is a prestigious award and I will certainly be there on 27th June to cheer on Nobanno.”
Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the Tiffin Cup Competition said “Nobanno has beaten extremely stiff competition to become a finalist.  This is a great tribute and we wish them the very best of luck for the final.”