Friday 29 June 2012

Fiona Bruce MP visits Middlewich School D&T

Fiona Bruce MP commends Middlewich High School Design and Technology work.
Middlewich MP, Fiona Bruce, visited Middlewich High School recently to view an end of year exhibition of Design and Technology work by Middlewich High School students. Fiona Bruce MP commended the high quality of the students’ work which each student developed at every stage from idea conception to final production.
Fiona said “I was impressed with the students’ work, with their innovative designs and quality of the production which used sophisticated equipment as well as the fact that many of the items produced have real marketing potential.”
Fiona continued “It is skills in exactly this kind of innovation, of inventing right through to producing, in other words, manufacturing – which our country needs if we are to get back on track economically. It is therefore vital that we encourage young people to develop just these skills for the future and I commend the standards which Middlewich High School is encouraging students to aspire to in this respect.”

Middlewich High School D&T teacher, Darren Boulton told Fiona “In the past woodwork and metalwork prepared people for factory work but today’s Design and Technology is about innovative Product Design for the 21st Century.”
Amongst the products Fiona saw were an executive desk toy, produced by Ryan Holland and a Japanese mood light, developed by Holly Lawton.
Holly saidI enjoy D&T and have seen how well computer controlled machines can produce a high quality finish to products.”
Ryan told Fiona, “I enjoy being able to make high quality products as if I were an actual manufacturer – it’s given me an insight into real life work.”
Darren Boulton also told Fiona that the school is keen to develop a close relationship with local companies to inspire students to see the potential of studying D&T in terms of the opportunities it offers to be involved in the design, manufacture and even export of future products.”
Fiona is therefore calling upon local companies involved in product design or manufacture to respond to Middlewich High School’s request and to get in touch with Darren Boulton at the school.
She addedSuch a relationship can be win-win for everyone. The students, the school and the business, which has an opportunity not only to encourage students but also to spot potential star designers for the future.”