Friday 29 June 2012

Fiona Bruce MP visits Middlewich School D&T

Fiona Bruce MP commends Middlewich High School Design and Technology work.
Middlewich MP, Fiona Bruce, visited Middlewich High School recently to view an end of year exhibition of Design and Technology work by Middlewich High School students. Fiona Bruce MP commended the high quality of the students’ work which each student developed at every stage from idea conception to final production.
Fiona said “I was impressed with the students’ work, with their innovative designs and quality of the production which used sophisticated equipment as well as the fact that many of the items produced have real marketing potential.”
Fiona continued “It is skills in exactly this kind of innovation, of inventing right through to producing, in other words, manufacturing – which our country needs if we are to get back on track economically. It is therefore vital that we encourage young people to develop just these skills for the future and I commend the standards which Middlewich High School is encouraging students to aspire to in this respect.”

Middlewich High School D&T teacher, Darren Boulton told Fiona “In the past woodwork and metalwork prepared people for factory work but today’s Design and Technology is about innovative Product Design for the 21st Century.”
Amongst the products Fiona saw were an executive desk toy, produced by Ryan Holland and a Japanese mood light, developed by Holly Lawton.
Holly saidI enjoy D&T and have seen how well computer controlled machines can produce a high quality finish to products.”
Ryan told Fiona, “I enjoy being able to make high quality products as if I were an actual manufacturer – it’s given me an insight into real life work.”
Darren Boulton also told Fiona that the school is keen to develop a close relationship with local companies to inspire students to see the potential of studying D&T in terms of the opportunities it offers to be involved in the design, manufacture and even export of future products.”
Fiona is therefore calling upon local companies involved in product design or manufacture to respond to Middlewich High School’s request and to get in touch with Darren Boulton at the school.
She addedSuch a relationship can be win-win for everyone. The students, the school and the business, which has an opportunity not only to encourage students but also to spot potential star designers for the future.”

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Fiona Bruce MP gives key note address at hospice event…

Fiona Bruce MP gives key note address at hospice event…
Fiona Bruce gave the opening address at the prestigious launch of the St Luke’s initiative, the Cheshire Living Well, Dying Well Partnership. Supported by Macmillan Cancer Support, this is a coalition of over 40 organisations from across Cheshire that are committed to making a difference.

“I would like to congratulate Macmillan and St. Luke’s Hospice for their foresight. I look forward to seeing how the work of the team and the partnership progresses, as only by working together will a real difference be made” said Fiona.

Rachel Zammit, Lead for the Macmillan EOL Public Health Team at St Luke’s, also explained to attendees that the vision is to break down taboos and encourage a change in our attitude and behaviours, to help living well and dying well become the norm. “The launch is just the beginning of our story” she said, “As a team we are looking forward to continue work with partners on this journey”

The event also included readings from members of Winsford Creative Writing Group, the premier of the animation, Cheshire ‘Bill United’ and a personal account from  Living Well, Dying Well Volunteer, Kate Thompson. 


Middlewich FAB Festival

Middlewich FAB Festival

At the Middlewich FAB festival, Middlewich MP and Inland Waterways Association Parliamentarian of the Year 2012, Fiona Bruce, presented a new award instituted in memory of Maureen Shaw who lived for many years at the Wardle Lock Cottage, Middlewich and who died recently.
The award, which will now be presented annually, is for the best dressed boat at the Festival. This year’s winner was a 100ft boat, Cactus, built in 1935 and owned by Henry Johnson.
Fiona said “It was a pleasure to talk to Henry and to discover that he was a particularly worthy recipient of this award since he was born and brought up on a narrowboat, worked for much of his life on the boats and Cactus is still a working boat today.”
Jonathan Williams, Town Clerk said “It is a nice touch to introduce this award in memory of Maureen and as a celebration of Middlewich and its canals. It was particularly appropriate that the award was presented by Fiona Bruce who is continually supportive of all Middlewich initiatives and herself the IWA Parliamentarian of the Year.  We very much value her association with our town and hope it continues into the future.”

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Scouts Visit Parliament

Middlewich Scouts join MP for Speaker’s reception at the House of Commons

Scouts from Middlewich joined Fiona Bruce, Member of Parliament for Middlewich along with 150 young people in Scouting and volunteer Scout leaders from across the UK to meet with MPs at the annual Speaker’s reception.  The event is a unique opportunity for young people in Scouting to experience meeting with their own and other MPs in the House of Commons to talk about Scouting today. Fiona Bruce met Darien Farrington and Vicky Rose, both scouts from Middlewich. In addition to the reception Fiona Bruce arranged for Vicky and Darien to have a tour of the Houses of Parliament
Fiona Bruce MP said:
“I was delighted to meet some of the Scouts from my constituency and that they were given the opportunity to attend such a special event.  I am particularly proud that Scouting and also the Guide movement in the constituency I represent is going from strength to strength. I have enjoyed attending a wide range of scouting events in my constituency and so it was good to reverse roles and welcome scouts to visit me and welcome scouts to see how Westminster works. Today’s Scouts and Guides learn a huge range of skills which prepare them excellently for the responsibilities of adult life and the world of work and the National Parliamentary reception for Scouts gave me an opportunity to thank Scout Leaders for all that they do..”
After the trip Vicky Rose said to Fiona:
 “Thank you so very much for meeting me at Westminster and for arranging the tour, I had a fantastic time and felt very privileged.”

Thursday 14 June 2012

Fiona Bruce MP raises Middlewich Incinerator at PMQs

Fiona Bruce MP raises question with Prime Minister over Middlewich Incinerator

Fiona Bruce MP for Middlewich challenged the Prime Minister this week in Prime Minister’s Question Time as her latest action in her long running fight on behalf of Middlewich residents against plans by American company Covanta to build an incinerator the size of a football pitch 500 metres from the centre of town.
Plans for this incinerator have already been unanimously rejected by Cheshire East Council’s Local Planning Board. Their decision to stop the incinerator has been appealed by Covanta to the Secretary of State for Planning and Local Communities whose decision is due mid-July.
Fiona Bruce told the Prime Minister
My constituency has a high recycling rate—the Best in the North-West—so does the Prime Minister believe it right for a huge waste-burning incinerator to be built there? The incinerator was rejected by the Local Planning Board, is overwhelmingly opposed by my constituents in Middlewich and would involve transporting lorry-loads of waste hundreds of miles across the country. Will he do what he can to prevent an inappropriate development that surely cannot be called environmentally sustainable or an example of true localism?”
The Prime Minister responded as follows
“I completely understand my hon. Friend’s concern; she is right to raise this issue and I can understand her disappointment that the Local Planning Board’s decision was appealed against. As she knows, however, appeals against a decision on such a planning application can be made to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. She can make her views clear. It would be inappropriate to prejudge any decision that he might take, but obviously there is a need to take into account the size and scale of any proposed development and to consider the potential effect on any local community. I am sure that she will want to make those points.”
Speaking in the House of Commons this week Fiona Bruce said:
“This issue is so important for Middlewich people that I have been absolutely determined since my election as MP for Middlewich over two years ago to do everything possible to stop this incinerator. I have of course over those two years made all the points I and the Prime Minister referred to – as well as many other points – including in evidence to the public inquiry. All of this information is now with the Secretary of State whose decision we await. The most I could do at this stage was to raise it with the Prime Minister and this I have done.”

Friday 1 June 2012

Congleton restaurant Nobanno wins Regional final of Tiffin Cup

Congleton restaurant Nobanno wins Regional final of Tiffin Cup
Nobanno has been chosen as the North West Regional finalist – one of 13 national finalists- in the prestigious Tiffin Cup competition.
The grand final of the Tiffin Cup 2012 will be held in the       House of Commons on 27th June. Nobanno will then be asked to produce a signature dish in the House of Commons restaurant in a ‘cook off’ to be judged by a group of top levels cookery writers and restaurateurs led by Ken Hom.
The Tiffin Cup competition is held each year to find the best South Asian restaurant in the country and Nobanno was nominated by Fiona Bruce MP.
Fiona Bruce MP said “I am delighted that Nobanno has made it to the final of the Tiffin Cup 2012. This is well deserved as their food is delicious. This is a prestigious award and I will certainly be there on 27th June to cheer on Nobanno.”
Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the Tiffin Cup Competition said “Nobanno has beaten extremely stiff competition to become a finalist.  This is a great tribute and we wish them the very best of luck for the final.”