Wednesday 16 May 2012

Lab in a Lorry

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Lab in a Lorry for inspiring a love of physics in local children

‘Lab in a Lorry’ is an initiative led by the Institute of Physics which aims to bring an interactive, school trip experience to the classrooms of pupils across the country and is currently sponsored in the North West by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The Lorry in the North West is one of three, the other two being mainly stationed in Scotland and Africa! It is touring the North West until July and hopes to visit 30 schools and give 6000 children a unique insight into science.
Experiments in the Lab, which was at Alsager School this week, included using an endoscope on a dummy and learning about fibre optics, seeing how sound can make a wine glass vibrate (but hopefully not shatter!) and learning just why the sky is blue.
Visitors to the Lab said that the young people experiencing the activities and teaching in the ‘Lab in a Lorry’ were “fully engaged and entertained”. Regular exclamations of “Oh Wow!” and “This is awesome!” indicated what a good concept this must be in the teaching of science and especially physics.
Tony Buckley, STFC'S senior communications specialist at Daresbury Laboratory said that “It was marvellous to see young people engaging so actively and enthusiastically with the experiments in the lorry.  The visit of this wonderful laboratory might be the spark that ignites an interest in science, helps young people see how what they learn in class gets used in everyday life, inspires them to get a better grade at GCSE or pursue a career in science.”
Whilst Louise Butcher of the Institute of Physics added that “Young people need to know that there is a wide range of careers out there for those who choose to study physics at A-level and beyond. ‘Lab in a Lorry’ gets students involved, hands on, in experiments showing them how exciting physics is.”
Fiona Bruce MP said “’Lab in a Lorry’ is just the type of initiative that we need in the North West. Engaging children with science helps to foster the engineers of the future.  Building our manufacturing base is very important in our country at the moment. The Lab’s fun and interactive approach to science must surely show the students of the practical application of their lessons.”