Saturday 19 May 2012

VAT on Churches

Success over plans to apply VAT to alterations to Churches
There has been good news for those worried about the effect the changes to VAT on alterations to listed buildings may have on local churches.

Fiona Bruce said todayI am delighted that the meetings held and representations made by me and other concerned Members of Parliament opposed to the Government’s plans to apply VAT for alterations to Listed Buildings have proved successful.  Thank you to all those who made representations on this subject which have played an important part.

With respect to VAT for alterations to Church buildings the Government will now facilitate the recovery of this VAT charge by increasing the amount which the Government is putting into the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme by a further £30 million a year. This is particularly generous since it is more than was actually requested by the Church Estates Commissioners’ Representative in the House of Commons.

I understand that it should therefore fully fund the VAT bills to be paid for alterations and repairs to listed Church buildings and I am delighted that the representations have proved successful in ensuring the ongoing maintenance and protection of these buildings.

As I said to the Treasury Minister I met, these buildings are not only a precious part of our heritage, but are also increasingly valuable community centres, as alterations and adaptations are made for all-age and whole community use.”