Monday 30 April 2012

Eaton Bank School Parliament Visit

Fiona Bruce MP meets with pupils from Eaton Bank School in Parliament and encourages other schools to do the same

On Tuesday 24th April Fiona Bruce MP met in Parliament with eighteen Economics, Business Studies and Politics pupils from Eaton Bank School. Fiona Bruce discussed the wide range of work of undertaken as a Member of Parliament and took questions from pupils. During their visit the pupils also enjoyed a tour of Parliament and watched Question Time with the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

One of the most interesting things students saw was the Diamond Jubilee Window – a stained glass window presented to Queen Elizabeth II as a gift from Members of both Houses on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee address to Parliament (see picture).

Fiona Bruce commented:

“It is always a pleasure to meet with school pupils from my constituency in Parliament, and such a visit can compliment a vast variety of subjects – not just politics - as experienced by the pupils of Eaton Bank School on their annual visit to Parliament. The tours provide a fascinating insight into the history and workings of Parliament, whilst the topics discussed in question time and debates ranging from the economy to international aid illuminate subjects studied in the classroom. I encourage all schools in my constituency a visit Parliament.”

Speaking of his trip, Andrew Hobson, a Politics and Economics pupil commented:

"It was great that Fiona Bruce took the time to meet us. I especially enjoyed having the opportunity to ask her questions about her day-to-day work as an MP".

Mike Hodgson, a Business Studies, Economics and Politics pupil enthused:

"The tour of the Palace of Westminster was excellent and the highlight for me was seeing the Chancellor and the Shadow-Chancellor debating the economy in the House of Commons".

Mr Tony McNulty, Head of Economics, Business Studies and Politics said:

“The trip to Westminster which takes place annually, provides Eaton Bank students with a fabulous insight into the workings of our legislature, which of course greatly enhances their enjoyment of what they are studying."