Wednesday 18 April 2012

Hill House

Fiona Bruce MP visits new facilities at Hill House

Fiona Bruce MP visited Hill House, Leonard Cheshire Disability recently in order to see their new facilities.
Fiona said “I am very impressed with the transformation of the facilities at Hill House since my last visit just over two years ago. This change is a credit to all who have worked hard at Hill House.”
Hill House has a “Wish List for 2012”, some of these things, which Fiona Bruce MP went to see, have been achieved such as mobile sensory equipment and sensory gardens to stimulate and give relaxation for residents.  This wish list has further items that Hill House still hope to achieve to further enhance the lives of their residents including an adapted greenhouse to help residents grow plants such as tomatoes. The wish list states that Residents have already shown an improvement in their well being through watching and guiding staff through gardening activities.  Being able to garden themselves is a natural next step.
The Rode Hall lunch committee is holding a fundraising event, in aid of Hill House, on Monday 16th April at 12 pm.  Helena Gerrish will give an illustrated lecture on Edwardian Country Life followed by a marquee lunch. Tickets cost £25 and can be obtained from Sarah Scott 01270 663150. All are welcome.
The money raised by this may go towards fulfilling more wishes of the residents of Hill House in 2012.