Thursday 1 December 2016

Fiona Bruce MP Encourages her Constituents to Prepare for Winter Flooding Risk

Fiona Bruce MP Encourages her Constituents to Prepare for Winter Flooding Risk

Fiona Bruce MP encourages her constituents to prepare for the risk of winter flooding. At an event in Parliament, MPs and their staff were invited along to hear from the Environment Agency and various Government departments about action being taken to reduce the risk of flooding this winter, which also highlighted the importance of people, businesses and communities being well prepared in the case of such an emergency.

Fiona Bruce MP said

“Nationally, 1 in 6 properties are at risk from flooding, and some homes and businesses in the constituency of Congleton are in or near a flood risk area. I have been encouraged to hear that the Government is continuing to play a key role in improving flood protection to those at risk, and that Government departments and agencies are taking action to ensure my constituents will be well protected from the risk of flooding this winter.”

Fiona continued

“It is also vital that people and families in their homes, businesses and other organisations are well equipped in case of a flood event to reduce the chances of their lives and livelihoods being disrupted. I want to ensure that individuals and communities in my constituency have the information and confidence to take some simple steps to prepare for such emergencies.”

The event highlighted several practical and simple steps which can be taken to protect your home and business from flooding.

1.    Identify a safe place where you, your family and pets can move to in an emergency to keep away from floodwater

2.    Check your buildings and contents insurance policy and confirm you are covered for flooding
3.    Prepare your home for flooding by installing flood resilient measures – a key solution to reducing the costs of repair of homes and buildings

4.    If flooding is likely, prepare a grab bag with warm clothes, blankets, mobile phone, medication, water and food supplies, a torch and a battery and important personal documents.

5.    Use the Environment Agency’s flood maps online at and enter your postcode to find out if your home or business is at risk of flooding or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188

6.    Sign up for free flood warnings by phone, email or text message if your home or business is at risk of flooding at

7.    Make a personal flood plan and know what to do through Personal Flood Plan Online, or preparing your business for flooding through Business Flood Plan Online