Tuesday 20 December 2016

Community Speedwatch Team meets MP and calls for more volunteers

Community Speedwatch Team meets MP and calls for more volunteers

Fiona Bruce MP has met with John Doyle who volunteers with the Congleton Community Speedwatch Team.

The team are calling for more volunteers to take part. All participation is done on an ad hoc basis and there no need to commit to a particular time or number of hours.

The main cause of deaths and injuries on the road is excessive speed and around 70% of drivers break the speed limit in residential areas so schemes such as Speed Watch try to alter drivers’ attitudes and behaviour towards speeding
Community Speed Watch volunteers are trained in using hand held speed detection devices, paid for by the Council, and then the speed of vehicles is monitored at nominated locations - determined by the residents. If a vehicle is recorded as speeding their registration is logged and then the logs are passed to the police.

Community Speedwatch volunteer, John Doyle saidOur main aim is to help motorists remember that they are in a speed limited zone.”

The local contact for the group is PCSO Jessica Shore and if people want to get involved they should call the police non-emergency number 101 to express an interest.