Friday 20 November 2015

Fiona Bruce to present Fair School Funding Petition to Parliament

Fiona Bruce to present Fair School Funding Petition to Parliament

Within the coming week Fiona Bruce MP will present a petition of 500 signatures from Congleton residents requesting Fairer Funding for areas of England like Cheshire East.
The petition, which will be presented to the Speaker of the House of Commons “declares that the petitioners believe the existing school funding model in England is arbitrary and unfair, further declares that the ten best funded areas of England have on average received grants of £6300 per pupil this year, compared to an average of £4200 per pupil in the ten most poorly funded areas of England and request the earliest possible introduction of a new National Funding Formula for schools in England.”

Fiona Bruce saidThis petition is part of an ongoing campaign which I, and other MPs representing constituencies where education is inadequately funded, have conducted to challenge and press the Government to address this unfairness and improve the funds which our local schools have to provide for a wide range of subjects, good resources, well maintained buildings, reasonably sized classes and excellent pastoral support.”

Fiona Bruce continued: “I am in no doubt that the Chancellor has heard our concerns, not only as a result of the support from local residents for this petition but also from the strong engagement in this campaign from Headteachers like many across my constituency and with this petition about to be presented in Parliament within the next few days I, and other MPs, am asking the Chancellor to take action in this week’s spending review”

1.         The F40 campaign represents a group of the lowest funded education authorities in England where government-set cash allocations for primary and secondary pupils are the lowest in the country.  As the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ remains and in some cases continues to widen, F40 is campaigning to change the way the government allocates funding to local authorities and schools.

2.         The F40 campaign has support from MPs, councillors, education directors, governors, head teachers and parents. Teaching unions including the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) and the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) both support a new national funding formula.

3.         F40’s proposals would deliver fairness to areas which have been underfunded for far too long.