Wednesday 18 November 2015

Fiona Bruce MP raises alcohol awareness in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP raises alcohol awareness in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Harm, raised a question in Parliament this week, to mark alcohol awareness week, about the possibility of a lower drink driving limit.

Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): “This is alcohol awareness week. In Scotland, the number of drink-driving offences dropped by 17% in the first three months after the introduction of a lower drink-driving limit. In the light of this encouraging evidence, is the Minister’s Department looking at the public health implications of reviewing the drink-driving limit in England and Wales as part of its alcohol review?”

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health (Jane Ellison): “Obviously, tackling drink-driving remains a priority for the Government. We will be interested to see a robust and comprehensive evaluation of the change to the Scottish drink-driving limit, and I can confirm that Public Health England’s review of the public health impacts of alcohol will include drink-driving. Obviously, some of the issues my hon. Friend raises are for the Department for Transport, but I can confirm that we will be looking at this issue, and I will be interested to see the evidence.”
The UK currently has one of the highest blood alcohol limits for driving in the world, at 80mg of alcohol per every 100ml of blood.  14% of all deaths in reported road traffic accidents in 2013 involved at least 1 driver over the drink drive limit[1]

Late last year, Scotland lowered its limit to be 50mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. Preliminary figures suggest the new limit and its accompanying awareness-raising campaign has had a positive influence on the number of drink drivers,[2] and brings Scotland in line with much of Europe. 

Commenting, Fiona Bruce MP said: “The tragic costs of drink driving are significant, both to individuals and their families, and the risks to innocent bystanders are unacceptable. Almost one in six deaths on the road involve drivers who are over the legal alcohol limit. Tougher laws and greater enforcement would help prevent these casualties and with the anticipated positive evidence that will be emerging from Scotland in the coming months showing that a lower drink driving limit reduces the risk of tragic accidents, including to innocent bystanders and passengers,, I will be launching the campaign in Westminster to lower the drink driving limit in England and save lives.”



The APPG on Alcohol Harm is currently conducting an Inquiry, chaired by Fiona Bruce MP, in Parliament into the impact of excess alcohol consumption on the emergency services. Further information about this can be obtained from the Secretariat of the APPG, Alcohol Concern.