Friday 27 November 2015

Fiona Bruce praises charity Visyon


Fiona Bruce has this week praised the work of local charity Visyon, the Congleton-based charity which works to preserve and promote good mental health of local young people.

Speaking to a packed House of Commons, Fiona Bruce MP saidVisyon, the excellent children’s mental health charity in Congleton, tells me that the lack of a secure family life is a root cause of many of the problems experienced by the children it helps.”

Fiona Bruce MP went on to ask the Prime Minister to ensure that the Government did more to ensure all policies announced in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement, outlining Government spending, promoted and protected family life, saying: “The Prime Minister is a champion of family life, so will he confirm that announcements to be made later today will pass his family test by providing security for family relationships and opportunities for vulnerable children?”

Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed her comments and agreed to ensure that Government policies supported the family: “She is absolutely right to say that families are the best welfare state that we have. They bring up our children, they teach us the right values and they care for us when we are sick and unwell. We want to help families, and the Chancellor will have something to say about that later as we boost the national living wage, as we deliver tax cuts for working people and, crucially, as we help with childcare. As I have said before, all these policies should pass the test of helping Britain’s families.”

Speaking afterwards, Fiona Bruce MP added: “I was pleased to be able to raise with the Prime Minister the excellent work of Visyon, which does so much to support young people and to help parents to protect their children’s mental health and development. The Prime Minister is absolutely right that the families is the best and first welfare state we have. Relationship breakdown is a tragedy for every family involved and costs the country almost £50billion a year, whereas at present the Government is only investing £7.5million to strengthen family relationships. There is much more to be done to support and protect families, and one way would be for more Government funding to be invested in relationship education – as well as parenting education -  to help families build strong, secure, and stable relationships.”

Following the Prime Minister’s answer, Gervase McGrath, Chief Executive at Visyon said: “At Visyon, we are seeing an increasing need to offer support to families with multiple needs. The effects of the recession led to extra pressures on parents, which impacted the whole family. This in turn has led to a rise in the number of children being referred to Visyon with anxiety, depression and challenging behaviour. We are grateful to Fiona Bruce for raising this very important issue at Prime Ministers Questions today and were heartened by the reassurances offered by Mr Cameron.”

Fiona Bruce MP’s full question, and the Prime Minister’s answer, can be found here.

More information about Visyon can be found here.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Fiona Bruce MP secures recovery of decision on 119 houses in Goostrey by Secretary of State

Fiona Bruce MP secures recovery of decision on 119 houses in Goostrey by Secretary of State

After a long campaign, including speaking several times about this in the House of Commons, Fiona Bruce MP has obtained the agreement of the Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government to recover a planning application for 119 houses at Main Road, Goostrey. This means that the Secretary of State will personally look into this application.

Fiona Bruce MP said “I am very pleased that Secretary of State has listened to the concerns which I and others, have raised for many months now that this planning application is completely inappropriate for Goostrey, not least because of the disproportionate pressure it would place on local services but also because serious concerns about the impact on the world leading scientific work at Jodrell Bank. Whilst we do not know what the outcome of the Secretary of State’s decision will be, I am hopeful that he will see the many problems that such a development will cause.”



-       A “recovered inquiry” is basically a planning appeal (against a local authority’s decision) which the Secretary of State can decide to determine himself, rather than allowing a planning inspector to take the final decision, as is the normal process. The law stems from section 79 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Fiona Bruce and John Culshaw campaign for improvements to care for the terminally ill


Pledge of support comes as 86% of people agree everyone should have the right to palliative care

Congleton Constituency MP, Fiona Bruce, has pledged to champion the concerns of local people with a terminal illness by lending her support to Marie Curie’s campaign calling for improved support for palliative care when they need it.

Fiona teamed up with Marie Curie Nurse Sally Monger-Godfrey and renowned impressionist Jon Culshaw to back the campaign from the UK’s leading charity for people living with any terminal illness and their families.

The campaign comes as Marie Curie revealed that more than half of people over the age of 50 in the UK – of whom there are 26 million - are not confident that they will get the care they need towards the end of their life.

Currently, one in four people each year who need palliative care miss out on it because their needs are not recognised and they are not referred on to the right services.  To prevent this figure from increasing, Marie Curie is calling for a change in the way care is provided.

Jon Culshaw, a valued supporter of Marie Curie, said: “Like most of us, I believe that everyone should have the right to palliative care when they need it. That’s why I’m supporting Marie Curie’s campaign to make this a reality.”

Fiona has pledged to help ensure that any constituents who have a terminal illness know what services and benefits they are entitled to; and work with local NHS services to improve access to and quality of palliative care for those who need it.

Scott Sinclair, Head of Policy & Public Affairs for England at Marie Curie, said: We are incredibly grateful to Fiona for supporting Marie Curie’s campaign.  More needs to be done to ensure that people with a terminal illness get access to the high quality care and support they need and deserve.

“Making this a reality also requires support at a national level.  The Government can play its part by investing in palliative and end of life care services to help transform the way care is provided locally to people with a terminal illness now and in the future.”

If you or someone you’re close to has a terminal illness, you can call the Marie Curie Support Line on 0800 090 2309 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm or visit  You can also share experiences and talk to people in a similar situation on the Marie Curie community .

Friday 20 November 2015

Fiona Bruce to present Fair School Funding Petition to Parliament

Fiona Bruce to present Fair School Funding Petition to Parliament

Within the coming week Fiona Bruce MP will present a petition of 500 signatures from Congleton residents requesting Fairer Funding for areas of England like Cheshire East.
The petition, which will be presented to the Speaker of the House of Commons “declares that the petitioners believe the existing school funding model in England is arbitrary and unfair, further declares that the ten best funded areas of England have on average received grants of £6300 per pupil this year, compared to an average of £4200 per pupil in the ten most poorly funded areas of England and request the earliest possible introduction of a new National Funding Formula for schools in England.”

Fiona Bruce saidThis petition is part of an ongoing campaign which I, and other MPs representing constituencies where education is inadequately funded, have conducted to challenge and press the Government to address this unfairness and improve the funds which our local schools have to provide for a wide range of subjects, good resources, well maintained buildings, reasonably sized classes and excellent pastoral support.”

Fiona Bruce continued: “I am in no doubt that the Chancellor has heard our concerns, not only as a result of the support from local residents for this petition but also from the strong engagement in this campaign from Headteachers like many across my constituency and with this petition about to be presented in Parliament within the next few days I, and other MPs, am asking the Chancellor to take action in this week’s spending review”

1.         The F40 campaign represents a group of the lowest funded education authorities in England where government-set cash allocations for primary and secondary pupils are the lowest in the country.  As the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ remains and in some cases continues to widen, F40 is campaigning to change the way the government allocates funding to local authorities and schools.

2.         The F40 campaign has support from MPs, councillors, education directors, governors, head teachers and parents. Teaching unions including the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) and the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) both support a new national funding formula.

3.         F40’s proposals would deliver fairness to areas which have been underfunded for far too long. 

Alsager Ladies Lifeboat Guild supported by Fiona Bruce MP at Christmas Coffee Morning

Alsager Ladies Lifeboat Guild supported by Fiona Bruce MP at Christmas Coffee Morning

Fiona Bruce MP supported the Alsager Ladies Lifeboat Guild Christmas Coffee Morning at St Mary’s Church, Alsager on Saturday. The Guild, which has been operating in Alsager for more than 60 years, raises funds for the work of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI).

This year the Christmas Coffee Morning sold homemade cakes, crafts, and Christmas Table Decorations as well as RNLI goods and a raffle of a painting of a Lifeboat out on a rescue donated by a local artist.

The morning took over £1200.

A spokesperson for the Guild saidWe are absolutely thrilled with the result which is probably one of our best ever for a Coffee Morning. The people of Alsager are always incredibly supportive of our fundraising efforts and we would like to thank everyone who attended. We are also grateful to our Local MP, Fiona Bruce, for her kind and continuing support. Please look out for details of our next event!”

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Fiona Bruce MP raises alcohol awareness in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP raises alcohol awareness in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Alcohol Harm, raised a question in Parliament this week, to mark alcohol awareness week, about the possibility of a lower drink driving limit.

Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): “This is alcohol awareness week. In Scotland, the number of drink-driving offences dropped by 17% in the first three months after the introduction of a lower drink-driving limit. In the light of this encouraging evidence, is the Minister’s Department looking at the public health implications of reviewing the drink-driving limit in England and Wales as part of its alcohol review?”

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health (Jane Ellison): “Obviously, tackling drink-driving remains a priority for the Government. We will be interested to see a robust and comprehensive evaluation of the change to the Scottish drink-driving limit, and I can confirm that Public Health England’s review of the public health impacts of alcohol will include drink-driving. Obviously, some of the issues my hon. Friend raises are for the Department for Transport, but I can confirm that we will be looking at this issue, and I will be interested to see the evidence.”
The UK currently has one of the highest blood alcohol limits for driving in the world, at 80mg of alcohol per every 100ml of blood.  14% of all deaths in reported road traffic accidents in 2013 involved at least 1 driver over the drink drive limit[1]

Late last year, Scotland lowered its limit to be 50mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. Preliminary figures suggest the new limit and its accompanying awareness-raising campaign has had a positive influence on the number of drink drivers,[2] and brings Scotland in line with much of Europe. 

Commenting, Fiona Bruce MP said: “The tragic costs of drink driving are significant, both to individuals and their families, and the risks to innocent bystanders are unacceptable. Almost one in six deaths on the road involve drivers who are over the legal alcohol limit. Tougher laws and greater enforcement would help prevent these casualties and with the anticipated positive evidence that will be emerging from Scotland in the coming months showing that a lower drink driving limit reduces the risk of tragic accidents, including to innocent bystanders and passengers,, I will be launching the campaign in Westminster to lower the drink driving limit in England and save lives.”



The APPG on Alcohol Harm is currently conducting an Inquiry, chaired by Fiona Bruce MP, in Parliament into the impact of excess alcohol consumption on the emergency services. Further information about this can be obtained from the Secretariat of the APPG, Alcohol Concern.

Monday 16 November 2015

UK Aid Programme must support religious freedom

Lord Alton of Liverpool is an Independent Cross-bench Peer.Fiona Bruce is MP for Congleton, a member of the International Development Select Committee and Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission. 
While the argument about whether our development aid programme funding should be ring-fenced divides parliamentary and public opinion, a common ground for all is that if we are going to invest in this way then we should get good value for money.
It is sometimes said that putting expectations of behaviour on aid to foreign governments would further fuel extremism, and make life more difficult for Christians and other minorities in those countries, who might be blamed for the reduction. Certainly care should be taken not to make matters worse – the ‘do no harm’ principle – and there may be truth in the idea that Christians in some countries could suffer further if aid was withdrawn. An alternative to simply withdrawing aid would be to channel more aid through non-governmental organisations and civil society.
Concern for minorities, pluralism and tolerance – a rich harvest
But it is not unreasonable to expect, where aid is being distributed, certain behaviour in terms of treatment of minorities, as well as the need for pluralism, tolerance and diversity. Such an approach can yield both a pragmatic harvest as well as chiming with the very best of “British values”. Where these values flourish, extremism can be confounded; where these values wilt, we see the catastrophic driving out of millions of people from their homes.
Around the world, ideological hatred of difference is driving a systematic campaign of deportation and exodus, degrading treatment, including sexual violence, enslavement, barbaric executions, and attempts to destroy all history, culture and beliefs that are not their own.
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights insists that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others”. Gross violations of this human right conflict with some of the key values our country stands for. However, UK Aid is sadly going to some countries in which violations of Article 18 occur. It is important to understand and challenge this where appropriate, for the very reasons expressed above. Where freedom of thought, belief, or speech are restricted, other human rights violations can follow in their wake – discrimination, persecution, crimes against humanity and even genocide.
No one left behind
David Cameron has been key in the drafting of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which set a bold vision for a fairer, better future for tomorrow’s world. In a marked departure from the Millennium Development Goals which preceded them, the much broader aspirations of the SDGs include, as Goal 10, to: ‘Reduce inequality within and among countries,’ and, as Goal 16, to: ‘Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all.’
Reflecting on these SDGs, Justine Greening, the Secretary of State for International Development, says that taxpayers’ money should be spent to promote peace, jobs and justice: “leaving no one behind.” Committing to the SDGs, as the UK and 192 other countries did this autumn at the United Nations, means a radical review of how we ‘do aid’. This is therefore a timely opportunity for a fresh consideration of the application of Article 18 in terms of aid provision.
Snapshot: Pakistan
So how do we measure the success of such an approach in places like Pakistan?  What would we regard as success or failure? How can it be ensured, for example, that funding for education is not being spent on promoting a curriculum that fuels intolerance, or to extremist madrassas that preach hatred?
This year, our aid programme to Pakistan is £405 million – £1.17 billion since 2011. This is a country where a mob of 1,200 people recently forced two children to watch as their Christian parents were burned alive. Pakistan has imposed a death penalty on a mother of five, Asia Bibi, for so-called blasphemy; it has still to bring to justice the murderers of Shahbaz Bhatti, the country’s Minister for Minorities; and it is a country where churchgoers have been murdered in their pews. This week, as we took evidence from the minorities who have suffered in Pakistan, we heard the story of that country’s one remaining self-professing Jew – from a community which was once numbered in its thousands. Minorities groups —Shias, Ahmadis and Christians—have experienced discrimination and outright persecution. While Pakistan has been receiving vast sums of money, the response from Pakistan, to these concerning issues and incidents, has been indifference, at best, .
Snapshot: Eritrea
Britain is a significant contributor to the European Union aid package of $300 million handed over to the Eritrean regime, led by Isaias Afwerki. In June a United Nations Commission of Inquiry accused it of “gross human rights violations.” Recently, at a hearing in Parliament, witnesses described to us deaths, torture, arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, indefinite military conscription, forced labour and persecution of religious believers. The country’s population is haemorrhaging as those who are able to do so try to escape.
Every month up to 5,000 people leave Eritrea. In total 10 per cent of the population (350,000 people) have fled. Many of those individuals who try to make the perilous Mediterranean crossing are fleeing Eritrea. Persecution dogs their steps at every turn, and Christians who flee into Libya face the risk of beheading by the local mutation of ISIS.
The challenge for DFID is how to ensure that the substantial monies flowing into Eritrea are used to create better conditions for its people and in ways which genuinely tackle the root causes of the exodus of refugees fleeing such regimes, without which we are never going to see an end to the refugee crisis or the sprawling camps which are now home to millions.
Snapshot: Syria
Genocide and oppression of minorities
In responding to those from Syria who have had to abandon everything and become refugees we should also measure their plight against Article 18 – because the most vulnerable groups are undoubtedly the minority communities. A former Yazidi (a religious community in Syria) MP told us that 3,000 Yazidi girls are still in ISIS hands, suffering rape and abuse. She said: “The Yazidi people are going through mass murder. The objective is their annihilation…500 young children have been captured, being trained as killing machines, to fight their own people. This is a genocide and the international community should say so”.
We should indeed name this genocide for what it is. Our failure to do so in Rwanda had fatal consequences for millions.
Using the rule of law, and making it clear to those who are responsible for these crimes that their “Nuremburg moment” will come one day, would be consistent with our own values. So should be the way we direct our aid programmes – not least in the Middle East where we talk with great pride of our significant financial contribution.
So addressing the level of persecution of Christians, Yazidis and other minorities, vulnerable people who clearly fall within the UN’s criteria of “specific need”, should be one of our priorities.
Even places of refuge can be dangerous
Many minorities escaping Syria have either fled refugee camps in Lebanon, Jordan and the Kurdish Autonomous Region – or have never risked entering them. This is because they suffer attacks, inside the camps, by radical Islamists, and they are now instead living in informal tented settlements.
A British newspaper recently reported that ISIS is sending teams of men posing as refugees with the mission of either kidnapping or killing Christians, and sending gangsters to the camps to kidnap young refugee girls and sell them as sex slaves. The newspaper reported that aid workers dare not report such occurrences because of fears for their own lives.
That intolerance and persecution can even be exported from the region is already clear from Germany, where reports emerged last week of minorities being attacked within refugee shelters there by Islamists, with increasing frequency and ferocity.
The House of Commons International Development Select Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into the Syrian Refugee Crisis. At an evidence session recently, a witness, speaking on behalf of an organisation which works in the region directly with refugees, gave testimony that “we are not aware of Christians being within UN registered camps” – the camps to which UK Aid makes a substantial funding contribution. The Committee was told that Christians avoid these camps – and therefore access to the support within them – because of fear: “if your culture is different, you stand out and are more of a target, which makes you nervous to go there.”
Another witness in written evidence to the inquiry states, “Christians are generally not able to go to camps for fear of intimidation and risk…Because many Christians and other minority groups do not enter the camps due to fear of religious persecution, this would result in them being doubly disadvantaged as they will not have equal access to the scheme.” This double disadvantage refers to effective exclusion from the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Scheme – after having already been driven away from their home towns or villages, often as a result of religious persecution – these refugees, surviving outside the UN camps, have no chance of being selected as some of the 20,000 refugees the UK has committed to welcome here. An Archbishop familiar with the region says that if they are outside the refugee camps “The UN don’t really help these families.”
Safeguarding Freedom
One of the challenges for aid organisations is to ensure that there is adequate religious literacy amongst those working for them, in an increasingly complex environment. So, a challenge for DFID should be to ensure that where aid is provided or contracts are awarded, it is channelled to civil-society organisations and government programmes which demonstrate a sufficiently sophisticated understanding of the challenges in that area to the enjoyment of the human right of freedom of religion or belief, and can show how their work will have a positive impact in this respect.
This means not only attending to the needs of those who suffer the consequences of a breach of Article 18 – whether homelessness, malnutrition or worse – but also having the expertise to promote understanding, mediation and reconciliation within and between communities, and so help prevent fragile situations and states developing in the first place. It also needs to be pro-active in promoting international debate and dialogue around the implications of Article 18, for any faith or none.
We all need to have a greater understand of the golden thread which links religious freedom to safe prosperous and stable societies, and that doing so would be one way to help prevent forced mass migration and movements of people.
For, as the Prime Minister also says, “No believer should have to live in fear…Now is not the time for silence. We must stand together and fight for a world where no one is persecuted because of what they believe”.