Tuesday 8 September 2015

Government Consultation on Sunday Trading

Fiona Bruce MP asks constituents to fight against devolving Sunday Trading rules

Fiona Bruce MP is encouraging residents of the Congleton Constituency to contribute to a Government Consultation on Sunday Trading.

The consultation is being carried out to ascertain whether Sunday trading rules should be devolved to local authorities. Current rulings under the Sunday Trading Act 1994 state large stores of floor space in excess of 280 square meters can only trade 6 consecutive hours between 10am and 6pm. Proposed changes could allow local authorities to amend restrictions on large shops to local preference, shopping habits and economic conditions to provide to provide greater flexibility.

Congleton MP Fiona Bruce is standing with local shopkeepers to tackle amendments to the current Sunday trading rules which could disadvantage small shops and impact on family life if Local Authorities subsequently decide to relax Sunday Trading hours even further. 

Fiona Bruce MP said:

If Local Authorities are given the power to decide the Sunday Trading Hours for their area the risk is there will be a ‘race to the bottom’ with every area scrambling to extend their trading hours as long as possible in a vain attempt to capture business.

However, the potential impact on the health and well-being of local people will mean that there will be a price to be paid if this happens. Everyone should be entitled to that one day within the week to spend with family and friends to enjoy among themselves. Extending Sunday Trading hours would place more pressure on family lifestyle and relationships between families and their children.

Staff already experience long hours throughout the week and Sunday is used to relax, recover and spend time with loved ones. Even without these planned amendments there is already immense pressure on staff with two thirds feeling forced to work Sundays. Additionally, the planned changes could palace greater pressure on local businesses which are continuously fighting online shopping and large retailers, further eroding the business for small shops from local communities, in Alsager, Congleton, Goostrey, Holmes Chapel, Middlewich and Sandbach.

As Member of Parliament for the Congleton Constituency with its wealth of valuable small and independent retailers I urge my constituents to record their views with the Government’s consultation to ensure we keep Sunday Trading hours as they are with no further extension.”

The consultation is open until 16th September to all members of the public to send in their views. This can be done by email via Sunday.trading@bis.gsi.gov.uk or post to Sunday Trading Team, Consumer and Competition Policy, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET.