Tuesday 15 September 2015

Fiona Bruce MP Supports National Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day in Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP Supports National Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Day in Parliament

‘BreakFASDs’ were held all over the UK at 9am and 9pm on 9th September (International FASD Day) to raise awareness and funding for the support of families affected by FASD.

Wednesday 9th September marked The FASD Trust with a ‘BreakFASD’ in Parliament which will run for nine hours on the ninth day of the ninth month to signify nine months of pregnancy to abstain from alcohol.

FASD stands for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder which is a range of conditions caused only by mothers drinking alcohol during pregnancy. It effects learning and behavioural development and with over 1% of babies being affected in the UK every year, FASD is the most prevalent form of lifelong learning difficulty.

An All-Party Parliamentary Group was launched in June 2015 for FASD, where cross party MPs show their support and dedication to increasing the awareness of the condition and improve the care for those affected by a FASD.

Fiona Bruce MP, Vice Chair of the All Party Group, saidIt would be best if the UK followed the international medical community, giving a clear message of no alcohol in pregnancy, which removes all ambiguity and risk to both the unborn child and mother's health. This is an important campaign in Parliament with an inquiry starting shortly so that we can really evidence to the Government that stronger information and advice in this area would help women and their babies."


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