Thursday 30 July 2015

Wage Growth

Fiona Bruce MP welcomes news that wage growth is at the fastest rate since 2007

The ONS’s official statistics show that annual real wage growth is now at 3.2 per cent. In the private sector, pay is up 3.8 per cent.

Fiona Bruce MP saidI am pleased to note these figures with a further fall in long-term unemployment, youth unemployment falling and the female employment rate hitting another record high. Other figures released today also show that the number of children living in households claiming out-of-work benefits is at the lowest level since current records began in 2008. This is good news for our local economy.”

Long-term unemployment has fallen 184,000 and 92,000 fewer young people are unemployed than a year ago. At the same time, more women are in the labour market with the employment rate 3.1 percentage points higher than in 2010, with 159,000 more women in work than a year ago. 

The UK has had the largest rise in the employment rate, and the largest fall in the unemployment rate, of any G7 economy over the last year.

Fiona continuedThere is more to do, but the best way to help people break free of welfare dependency is to build a high wage, low tax, low welfare economy which rewards hard work and creates growth and jobs. We will continue to help businesses create jobs and support those who want to work hard and get on as part of our ambition to achieve full employment. “