Wednesday 29 July 2015

Enterprise Zones

Fiona Bruce MP calls on Government to designate Congleton constituency an Enterprise Area

Fiona is calling Cheshire East Council, the Local Enterprise Partnership and business leaders to support the designation of a new Enterprise Zone in the Congleton Constituency. Enterprise Zones have been hugely beneficial to the local economies. The Government is building on the success of the existing 24 Enterprise Zones which by last December had attracted 15,500 jobs around the country since they opened over the past three years and delivered a multibillion-pound boost to local economies.

Fiona Bruce said “Local Councils are being urged to work with their Local Enterprise Partnerships to come forward with ambitious plans for new Enterprise Zones and to seize the economic initiative by identifying businesses on their patch with investment or export potential. This includes building on the commercial strengths of rural areas.

Ministers want local business and civic leaders to encourage firms with shared interests to stand together and form a stronger commercial proposition.

These new zones, if supported by a strong business case, will enable places to drive growth and jobs creation.

Enterprise Zones bring with them a raft of benefits to businesses including lower taxes, access to superfast broadband and streamlined planning permission to boost local infrastructure.

I am calling on Business leaders, the Local Enterprise Partnership and Cheshire East Council to join me in seeking an Enterprise Zone designation in the Congleton Constituency.”

Fiona Bruce added “For as long as I have been MP for the Congleton Constituency enterprising local business people have commented to me that they could get better Government grants and support if they ran their business in other areas not far away. It is critical that we support and strengthen local businesses and the jobs they create especially for our young people who want to work and live locally. And so, it is vital that every effort is made to take advantage of this opportunity to boost our local economy.”

The Chancellor George Osborne announced in last week’s Budget that all Local Enterprise Partnerships now have the opportunity to support an Enterprise Zone and all can now bid.  This will allow more places outside of our core cities to have the opportunity for an Enterprise Zone and what it can bring in terms of delivering local growth.

There is activity on all zones, whether it is continued growth on established sites or former derelict sites being brought back to life thanks to the Government’s vision and funding.
Businesses basing themselves on Enterprise Zones can access a number of benefits:

  • Up to 100% business rate discount worth up to £275,000 per business over a 5-year period
  • 100% enhanced capital allowances (tax relief) to businesses making large investments in plant and machinery on 8 Zones in Assisted Areas
  • 100% retention of business rate growth for LEPs, to enable them to fund development on Enterprise Zones.
  • The deadline for bids is 18 September 2015.