Thursday 30 July 2015

Wage Growth

Fiona Bruce MP welcomes news that wage growth is at the fastest rate since 2007

The ONS’s official statistics show that annual real wage growth is now at 3.2 per cent. In the private sector, pay is up 3.8 per cent.

Fiona Bruce MP saidI am pleased to note these figures with a further fall in long-term unemployment, youth unemployment falling and the female employment rate hitting another record high. Other figures released today also show that the number of children living in households claiming out-of-work benefits is at the lowest level since current records began in 2008. This is good news for our local economy.”

Long-term unemployment has fallen 184,000 and 92,000 fewer young people are unemployed than a year ago. At the same time, more women are in the labour market with the employment rate 3.1 percentage points higher than in 2010, with 159,000 more women in work than a year ago. 

The UK has had the largest rise in the employment rate, and the largest fall in the unemployment rate, of any G7 economy over the last year.

Fiona continuedThere is more to do, but the best way to help people break free of welfare dependency is to build a high wage, low tax, low welfare economy which rewards hard work and creates growth and jobs. We will continue to help businesses create jobs and support those who want to work hard and get on as part of our ambition to achieve full employment. “

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Enterprise Zones

Fiona Bruce MP calls on Government to designate Congleton constituency an Enterprise Area

Fiona is calling Cheshire East Council, the Local Enterprise Partnership and business leaders to support the designation of a new Enterprise Zone in the Congleton Constituency. Enterprise Zones have been hugely beneficial to the local economies. The Government is building on the success of the existing 24 Enterprise Zones which by last December had attracted 15,500 jobs around the country since they opened over the past three years and delivered a multibillion-pound boost to local economies.

Fiona Bruce said “Local Councils are being urged to work with their Local Enterprise Partnerships to come forward with ambitious plans for new Enterprise Zones and to seize the economic initiative by identifying businesses on their patch with investment or export potential. This includes building on the commercial strengths of rural areas.

Ministers want local business and civic leaders to encourage firms with shared interests to stand together and form a stronger commercial proposition.

These new zones, if supported by a strong business case, will enable places to drive growth and jobs creation.

Enterprise Zones bring with them a raft of benefits to businesses including lower taxes, access to superfast broadband and streamlined planning permission to boost local infrastructure.

I am calling on Business leaders, the Local Enterprise Partnership and Cheshire East Council to join me in seeking an Enterprise Zone designation in the Congleton Constituency.”

Fiona Bruce added “For as long as I have been MP for the Congleton Constituency enterprising local business people have commented to me that they could get better Government grants and support if they ran their business in other areas not far away. It is critical that we support and strengthen local businesses and the jobs they create especially for our young people who want to work and live locally. And so, it is vital that every effort is made to take advantage of this opportunity to boost our local economy.”

The Chancellor George Osborne announced in last week’s Budget that all Local Enterprise Partnerships now have the opportunity to support an Enterprise Zone and all can now bid.  This will allow more places outside of our core cities to have the opportunity for an Enterprise Zone and what it can bring in terms of delivering local growth.

There is activity on all zones, whether it is continued growth on established sites or former derelict sites being brought back to life thanks to the Government’s vision and funding.
Businesses basing themselves on Enterprise Zones can access a number of benefits:

  • Up to 100% business rate discount worth up to £275,000 per business over a 5-year period
  • 100% enhanced capital allowances (tax relief) to businesses making large investments in plant and machinery on 8 Zones in Assisted Areas
  • 100% retention of business rate growth for LEPs, to enable them to fund development on Enterprise Zones.
  • The deadline for bids is 18 September 2015.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Fiona Bruce MP urges Congleton Constituency communities to apply for new £4m Heritage Lottery Fund money

New National Lottery investment in First World War Centenary
One year from the Battle of the Somme Centenary, Fiona Bruce MP urges Congleton Constituency communities to apply for new £4m Heritage Lottery Fund money to explore the impact of the war  
With the Theatre in the Quarter singers at Goostrey Station

The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has announced new National Lottery money to help communities across the UK mark the Centenary of the First World War and local MP Fiona Bruce is urging communities to apply.

Fiona Bruce said: “The projects and stories that have already been shared locally as part of the First World War Centenary have been an inspiration such as the choir which entertained us with songs from the period at Congleton, Goostrey and Holmes Chapel railway stations last summer.  It’s so important that we remember the impact of this war one hundred years on.  There is still time to apply for National Lottery money and I would urge anyone in my constituency with an idea for their own project to get in touch with the Heritage Lottery Fund.

I am pressing HLF to contribute towards the restoration of Congleton War Memorial, in memory of our late resident and Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Margaret Williamson. The restoration of this memorial was a final project very dear to Margaret’s heart.”    
Following the phenomenal success of its community grants programme First World War: then and now, HLF has made an additional £4million available in 2015/16 for communities looking to explore, conserve and share local heritage of the First World War.  Grants are available between £3,000 to £10,000.

Thanks to National Lottery funding, thousands of young people and communities throughout the UK have already been involved in activities marking the Centenary such as: researching and recording local heritage; conserving and finding out more about war memorials; and using digital technology to share the fascinating stories they uncover.  This new money will help even more people get involved to explore a greater range of stories including those surrounding the Battle of the Somme.

The money was announced on 8th July 2015 at a House of Commons reception that showcased just a handful of over 1,000 First World War projects taking place across the UK, thanks to more than £70million of investment from HLF.   

More information on how to apply for HLF funding is available at

Congleton Choral Society

Congleton Choral Society perform Carmina Vurana

Congleton Choral Society performed Carmina Vurana at Congleton Town Hall on Saturday 18th July in a performance dedicated to the memory of the society’s late President Margaret Williamson MBE DL.

In attendance were Margaret’s daughter, Dr Kate Richardson and Fiona Bruce MP, shown in the attached photo with Choir Conductor, Christopher Cromar.

Photo Gallery

At New Life Church, Congleton Nursery Sports
At the launch of David Astons book " It's me Jesus " at Congleton 
At the fundraiser for Mental Health Research UK organised by Fred and Elizabeth Whitehurst at the Chappell centre , Mossley . A lovely occasion in memory of their son Adam .
with New Life Church, Congleton Food bank volunteers 
With the remarkable leader of Middlewich Clean Team Janet  Chisholm , at the 25th Middlewich Fab Fest -the most successful ever 
With Middlewich Town Mayor , Town Crier and consorts at the Middlewich Fab Fest 
Nigeria Inquiry
Promoting engagement with Goostrey's Neighbourhood Plan

Opening Elm Drive Play area Holmes Chapel

Monday 20 July 2015

Cancer Survival Rates


Fiona Bruce MP has shown her support for improving UK one-year survival rates while attending an All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer (APPGC) event in Parliament.

By 2020, almost half of the UK population will receive a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime[i]. Cancer survival rates in the UK are among the worst in Europe – not least because many people are diagnosed too late. The APPGC believes that this must change.

At the event, Fiona was presented with the cancer survival rates in the area that showed that 67% of local people with cancer will live for a year after diagnosis. This is 2% lower than the national one-year survival rate for England of 69%[ii] By comparison, the one-year survival rate in Sweden is 81%.

The APPGC published a short report at the event which highlights that from April 2015 one-year survival rates have been included in the Delivery Dashboard of the CCG Assurance Framework – the highest tier of accountability at a local level.  This means that Clinical Commissioning Groups are now scrutinised on what they are doing to improve earlier diagnosis in order to improve local one-year survival rates.

Fiona also joined the APPGC which brings together MPs and Peers from across the political spectrum to debate key issues and campaign together to improve cancer services.

Speaking after the event, Fiona saidThe one-year cancer survival rates in the South Cheshire CCG will help residents to see how the CCG is performing and demand improvements.  As the MP, I will be meeting the CCG leadership to discuss how, together, we can ensure more local people survive cancer.

In this area only 67% of people live for a year or more after a cancer diagnosis. In Sweden, the figure is 81%. More work is needed through earlier diagnosis to increase this number, as the UK still has among the lowest survival rates in Europe. Better screening uptake, diagnostics at Primary Care, public awareness and GP training are all possible initiatives our local CCG could introduce. Many lives each year could be saved as a result."

[i] Macmillan estimates based on; prevalence projections to 2020 from Maddams J, Utley M, Møller H. Projections of cancer prevalence in the United Kingdom, 2010-2040. Br J Cancer 2012; 107: 1195-1202. (Scenario 1); Incidence and mortality (cancer) projections estimated to 2020 assume trends from 2000 to 2010 continue at the same rate (except for prostate cancer where static incidence rates were assumed from 2009 to 2030) in line with prevalence projections. 2000 to 2010 data are provided by Office for National Statistics (England); Information Services Division (ISD) Scotland; General Registrar Office Scotland; Welsh Cancer Intelligence & Surveillance Unit; Northern Ireland Cancer Registry; all cause mortality projection estimates to 2030 taken from Office for National Statistics (UK). For prostate cancer incidence projections, 2009 incidence rates (UK) by broad age group taken from the UKCIS were applied to population projections (UK) from Office for National Statistics to project incidence to 2030.
[ii] One-year net cancer survival index – adjusted for age, sex, cancer type and background mortality. ONS and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2013, Cancer Survival Index for Clinical Commissioning Groups, Adults Diagnosed 1996-2011 and Followed up to 2012 ( accessed April 2014)
[ii][ii]1 year, age adjusted relative survival in the UK and Ireland for patients diagnosed between 2000 - 2007 is 68%, in Sweden it is 81%.  Eurocare 5 Survival Analysis 2000 – 2007 ( accessed January 2015)

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Fiona Bruce MP attends Middlewich Mothers’ Union event at Weaverham

Fiona Bruce MP attends Middlewich Mothers’ Union event at Weaverham

Fiona Bruce MP attended a Coffee Morning at Weaverham Church Hall to raise funds for Mothers’ Union International projects.

Fiona Bruce is a member of the Middlewich Mother’s Union; the event was a joint event of Mothers’ Union groups from across the Middlewich and Northwich areas and the photograoh shows Fiona Bruce MP with Susan Hawkes of the Middlewich Mothers’ Union and members of the Whitegate Mothers’ Union branch.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Christian Community Ministries Charity Shop - Middlewich

Fiona Bruce MP calls for volunteers

Fiona Bruce MP has put out a call for volunteers to help run the new charity shop being run by Christian Community Ministries in Wheelock Street, Middlewich.

Fiona saidChristian Community Ministries is a charity which I have been involved with for about 20 years. Through the wonderful work of this charity, many children in Romania, Thailand, India and elsewhere have grown up being cared for, provided with homes, food, health provision, and education. It has always amazed how this charity makes relatively small sums of money, sent from the UK, go such a long way – for example – in Thailand in 2014, £3300 was sent to complete a boys’ home – with the installation of a kitchen, dining room, toilet and bathing facilities, a classroom and bedrooms for six boys. All of the boys who are living in the home have been able to help complete it – from plumbing and carpentry to painting and decorating – learning real skills on the way. This is just one of the many examples of the wonderful work of Christian Community Ministries which has had a charity shop in Barnton for very many years and is now seeking to ensure the future of one in Middlewich.”

Kay Carson, a trustee at CCM, pictured with Fiona says “We have plenty of lovely stock but we need volunteers to help man the shop in Wheelock Street.”

For more information about volunteering contact Liz Webb, Manager of the Wheelock Street Shop, on 07989 633887

Fiona Bruce MP at Goostrey Rose Festival

Sandbach Military Parade

Fiona Bruce MP at Sandbach Military Parade

Fiona Bruce MP for Congleton, and Cllr Gill Merry, Mayor of Sandbach, and Tony Garnett, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, were joined by other Civic Dignitaries and members of the Armed Forces past and present at the Annual Military Parade and service of worship for Armed Forces Day in Sandbach on 28th June.

After a march past through the town of Sandbach and the presentation of Wreaths at the Cenotaph on the Cobbles, a service was held at St Marys, Sandbach, celebrating Armed Forces past, present and future.

Girl Guiding Fabfest 2015

MP Visits Girl Guiding Cheshire Fabfest 2015

Fiona Bruce MP visited the Girl Guiding Cheshire Fabfest 2015 at the Cheshire Showground, Tabley near Knutsford on 27th June, together with the Mayor of Cheshire East, Hilda Gaddum.

The Civic guests were given a tour of the Showground used after the Cheshire Show by the Guides for their annual Fabfest where hundreds of Guides camp, enjoy games, barbeques and music on what was, this year, a delightfully sunny day.