Wednesday 21 January 2015

Encouraging Young Volunteers

Fiona Bruce MP and Youth Council work together to increase youth volunteering in Congleton

Fiona Bruce MP is working with the Congleton Youth Council to encourage young people in Congleton to volunteer for local charities and organisations after a Youth Council survey of over 700 young people in Congleton identified a gap in this area.

Fiona Bruce saidIn general, this area has a very high level of dedicated volunteering which I am constantly impressed by. I am, therefore, delighted to help lead this campaign, along with Congleton Youth Council to encourage more young people to volunteer. I am seeking to make contact with voluntary organisations across the town to urge any groups interested in joining the scheme to offer volunteering opportunities for young people. Organisations willing to support this excellent initiative of Congleton Youth Council can contact my office to register their interest and for more information go to”

The joint project is to encourage more young people in Congleton to volunteer and any local volunteer organisations is being asked for suggestions or availability they may have to help inspire and recruit young volunteers – and to help their organisation!

This is the second joint project of Fiona and the Youth Council. The first ‘Towards a Drug Free Congleton’ on which they have worked for over two years, is now up and running, engaging both High Schools, the Police and Fire Services to ensure that over time every young person in Congleton is equipped to understand the dangers and pressures of, and to withstand, doing drugs.

If you are a young person interested in volunteering, please look at the Youth Council’s youth volunteering website ( Once organisations have signed up they will have the ability to post activities and volunteering opportunities onto the site for young people to view.