Tuesday 23 September 2014

Unemployment continues to fall

Unemployment in Congleton falls by 50% over the last 12 months

Recently released figures show that unemployment in the Congleton Constituency has fallen by 50% over the last 12 months with 547 fewer people in the Constituency claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance than in August last year. This means more people in work, with the security of a regular pay packet and a brighter future ahead of them.
Furthermore, the number of young people aged 18 - 24 claiming JSA has also fallen by 175 people since August 2014 representing a decrease in claimants of 46%.
Throughout Britain the number of people relying on Jobseeker’s Allowance has fallen below 1 million for the first time since 2008.

Fiona Bruce MP said “It is great news to see unemployment and youth unemployment continue to fall in my constituency. More people have the peace of mind of a job and a pay packet. More families are enjoying the stability and security that work brings. This is giving the futures of our young people back to them.
These figures show the Government’s welfare reforms and long term economic plan are getting Britain working. There is more to do and I continue to fight for more local jobs, money and full employment in the Congleton Constituency.”