Tuesday 30 September 2014

Alsager Civic Lunch Club

Fiona Bruce MP Visits Alsager Civic Lunch Club

Fiona Bruce MP joined the diners and volunteers at Alsager Civic lunch club last week.
Following the lunch she saidI was so pleased to be able to join the lunch club. This is a real community endeavour which is bringing much needed regular times of companionship (and very good food!) to the elderly people of Alsager. I hope it continues to go from strength to strength and commend all the volunteers on their hard work.”
Giving a social environment with a nutritious meal twice a week to its diners, the club is “thriving” with a membership of 44 with an average age of 85.
However they are badly in need of volunteers to make sure that the club continues. If anyone, male or female, could give a few hours every month on a Tuesday or Thursday lunchtime you would be very welcome. They especially need volunteers to assist with the preparation of meals, but if the kitchen is not your thing then help in the dining room would be very acceptable.
Of course many of the diners have to have assistance getting to the Civic Centre and this could not be achieved without the Alsager Voluntary Care driving team. They too are in need of volunteer drivers.
If anyone can help please get in touch with Judith Aspinall on 01270 747359 for the Lunch Club and Gloria Fitton on 01270 882376 for the driving.