Friday 14 March 2014

Unemployment Continues to Fall in Congleton

Unemployment continues to fall in Congleton Constituency

Fiona Bruce MP was pleased this week when latest figures released showed that the total number of unemployed claimants in Congleton Constituency has fallen by 402 people since February last year from 1047 claimants to 875 in January of this year. 1.9% of those economically active aged 16-64 are unemployed claimants, compared to 4.0% nationally, putting the Congleton Constituency as one of the constituencies with the lowest rate of unemployment in the country.
Speaking on Beartown Radio this week, Fiona Bruce MP commended the work of the Job Club, run by Will Spendilow, at New Life Church, which has been so successful in helping people prepare for job interviews and find work.
Fiona said “It is remarkable that in less than a year this job club has found work for almost 20 people.”
Will Spendilow said I am pleased to report that this week a further 2 people from the job club have found permanent work – both on the same day – which is really great news for them and the Job Club.”
Fiona Bruce added “Under Labour youth unemployment rose by 45% nationally but the country is now turning a corner showing that the Government’s long term economic plan is helping get young people off benefits and into work, youth unemployment is now down 24,000 on the general election in 2010 and the number of young people Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) is at the lowest for a decade.
Furthermore over 1.5 million apprenticeships have been started since the election encouraging young people into training and work where they develop a real skill which is not only beneficial to them but to our recovering economy as a whole.
There are now more people in work than ever before with a record level of employment , 30.1m people, announced in January."