Monday 24 March 2014

Siemens Junior Factory Apprentices invited to speak at meeting in Parliament by Fiona Bruce MP

Fiona Bruce MP hosts Siemens Junior Factory in Parliament

Young people from Siemens, Congleton, were invited to Parliament this week to speak of their experiences as Apprentices in the Siemens Junior Factory.
Fiona Bruce saidAs Chair of the All Party Group on Skills I have met a wide range of apprentices, and when I visited Siemens recently, here in Congleton, I recognised immediately that the quality of apprenticeships being offered at Siemens is very high. These young people, who are offered a range of commercial and technical apprenticeships work together to run a “small factory within a factory in Congleton” aged 16 to 21, they take on key leadership roles and are responsible for the full breadth of a products progress. What is impressive is that the initiative is part of Siemens plan to train young people, not just in the critical field of engineering but also in real business management.
The apprentices who came to speak to a number of Parliamentarians on their programme were impressive and articulate Ambassadors for Siemens Congleton and did the town proud!”

Finbarr Dowling, Siemens Congleton MD said “we were thrilled for our young talent when Fiona Bruce invited them to speak at Parliament recently.  For all of them, their families and all of us at Siemens Congleton this was a very proud moment.  Siemens has been committed to the town of Congleton for 43 years now, and during that time we have used our apprentice and graduate schemes to nurture talent.  As a result there are many hundreds of Congleton Alumni who have forged strong careers in Siemens, in the UK and further afield also.  Producing talented engineers and leaders is not only essential for Siemens, but equally for the future of UK Manufacturing & Engineering.  So at a time when Siemens Congleton is promoting skills development as never before, there is a degree of serendipity that the MP for Congleton should hold such an influential role in Parliament.  By inviting our young talent to address the All Party Group on Skills, she has skilfully ‘killed two birds with one stone’ i.e. promoting skills development and promoting Congleton!

Photograph 1 shows the Skills APPG in session with Siemens apprentices presenting to the meeting
Photograph 2 shows Fiona Bruce MP and the Siemens Apprentices with Julie Pegg, HR Business Partner at Siemens Congleton in Westminster Hall
Photograph 3 shows Fiona Bruce MP with the presenters at the APPG.

-The meeting was part of a series of seminars and presentations in 2014 on “Skills for the Real Economy” which feature panel discussions from leading figures across industry, academia and the skills system on the economic makeup of the UK and the changing shape and character of the labour market. The aim is to deepen knowledge of what skills are needed, particularly by young people, in order for the UK  to be competitive within today’s and tomorrow’s global economy, and with a greater understanding of employment trends, how these are likely to change as the economy grows and new technologies come into play. The All Party Group challenges the Government, employers and training providers to adopt strategies which will meet future skills demand and address skill shortages to safeguard economic growth
- Fiona Bruce MP put down an Early Day Motion in the House following the meeting which reads as follows:
“That this House celebrates the value and significance of young people in the workforce, and notes the need for stronger connections between schools, colleges and businesses, to provide greater and more streamlined opportunities for young people to enter the world of work, as recommended by the British Chambers of Commerce Skills and Employment Manifesto; further notes the importance that employers place on skills and attributes such as effective communication, literacy, self-management, a positive attitude, people skills, team working, problem solving, and commercial awareness and urges schools, businesses, Chambers, LEPs and local and national Government to work collaboratively to help promote and develop such employability skills and job opportunities for young people.”