Tuesday 8 October 2013

U3A's Jazzworks at Congleton Open Spaces

MP discovers U3A forte

To a musician, the letters mp – mezzo piano – are an indication to play moderately softly. However the abbreviation took on new meaning when Congleton's member of parliament Fiona Bruce dropped in on a concert with U3A's Jazzworks.
The MP was at Fellowship House where Jazzworks was performing as part of the Open Space Festival held during the last weekend in September. Mrs Bruce was treated to numbers such as St Louis Blues and Muskrat Ramble played anything other than mp. Not that this troubled the MP – quite the contrary, for Mrs Bruce said how much she enjoyed the Jazzworks sound.

Jazzworks' member Paul Gubbins said the group was now awaiting a call from the Palace of Westminster to perform forte, indeed double forte, before other mps – or perhaps that should be MPs. "The rose garden at 10 Downing Street would be a wonderful venue," he said. "It would certainly put Jazzworks and Congleton U3A on the map."

Mrs Bruce's constituency assistant, Harriet Crompton, was on hand to photograph the Jazzworks line-up with the MP.
As well as playing in the Open Space Festival, Jazzworks has performed at the Congleton Jazz and Blues Festival held on the August bank holiday weekend. This year the group was at the Lion and Swan; in previous years at Illucinis. Jazzworks has also played at U3A events and at private functions.