Tuesday 22 October 2013

Fiona Bruce welcomes Cheshire Brave Officer of the Year to Parliament

Fiona Bruce MP welcomes Cheshire’s Brave Officer of Year 2013

On Wednesday 16th October Fiona Bruce MP welcomed the Cheshire Brave Officer of Year 2013, PC Claire Ford, based at Congleton Police Station, to the Houses of Parliament, following her nomination for a National Police Bravery Award for her actions.
In September 2012 PC Claire Ford arrived alone at a blazing house in Rode Heath which had two people inside. PC Ford entered the property to try and get the people out and discovered the male had no intention of leaving the property. After managing to rescue the female out, PC Claire Ford had a physical fight with the male and managed to pull him to safety.

Fiona Bruce MP, commented:

‘It was a privilege to welcome PC Claire Ford to the Houses of Parliament and I congratulate her on her commendation for this award. Her selfless act of bravery undoubtedly saved the lives of two people and I am delighted she received such a high level of recognition for this. The police, and indeed those who work for the other emergency services, often put themselves at risk to protect and help others and I know people across the Congleton Constituency have enormous gratitude for all that they do.’