Wednesday 22 May 2013

Funding Success for Middlewich Skate Park

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Middlewich Vision on funding for New Skate Park

Middlewich Vision has been awarded a grant of £37,160 towards replacing the existing skate equipment on Booth Lane by the Veolia Environmental Trust as part of the Landfill Communities Fund.
The skate park will be built alongside a youth shelter for the young people to meet in. Another such shelter in Middlewich has already led to a drop in anti-social behaviour.
Work will also be carried out to repair the entrance gates, install bins and have benches installed, and plant new foliage. Another project running alongside this is the replacement of the playground with new equipment for younger children following a campaign by the Residents Action for Middlewich Parks group of which MP, Fiona Bruce is Patron.
Fiona Bruce MP said “I am very pleased that Middlewich Vision has been awarded this money. As Patron of RAMP I am most keen to see that the parks in Middlewich are restored so that they can be fully utilised by the thriving Middlewich Community.”
Alison Roylance-White of Middlewich Vision, says, “It is fantastic that The Veolia Environmental Trust has awarded this grant. The new skate equipment will have far more features than the present pieces, which will help the young people develop their skills and encourage them to be more active.”
The Executive Director of The Veolia Environmental Trust, McNabb Laurie, adds, “Projects like this one make a real difference to our communities and our Board awarded this grant on its merits. We will now start working with Middlewich Vision to develop a project that will really benefit young people in the town.”