Friday 10 May 2013

Fiona Bruce Solicitors share experience of Legal Advice Clinic work with Parliament

Legal Firm of Fiona Bruce MP invited to tell Attorney General of their 20 years Free Legal Advice Clinic work
Fiona Bruce MP, founder of Fiona Bruce Solicitors, recently attended the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Bono Group, at which Steve Gray, Partner at the Cheshire Law Firm,  Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP, founded by Fiona Bruce 25 years ago, was invited to speak.

The All Party Group includes the Attorney General, other Members of Parliament, with an interest in the legal profession, and Peers and heard of how the free legal advice clinic, started by Fiona Bruce MP, has served the Warrington community for over 20 years.
The clinic has now helped over 2000 people,  who may otherwise have found it difficult to obtain legal help – for example because they are not eligible for legal aid.
The legal concerns the Free Legal Advice Clinic has helped with over the years vary from property queries, family matters, Landlord and Tenant issues, small claims, Wills and inheritance questions and consumer protection.
Speaking in the House of Commons, Steve Gray said: “Running the free legal advice clinics is very much a part of the work that we do at Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP. Having the clinic located in the community provides an easy means of access for people to obtain advice from Solicitors. It was a real privilege to speak in the House of Commons about our work in the Warrington area””
 The Members of Parliament who attended were impressed that all of our Solicitors, over the years, have played their part in providing free legal advice to the community and that this has been done for such a sustained period. The Attorney General remarked that whilst many big city law firms make loud public announcements about their ‘pro-bono work’ – which are often one off projects – what is really impressive about the Free Legal Advice Clinic work of Fiona Bruce Solicitors LLP is that it has been continuous, whole film committed and carried out in a quiet and unsung way.”
Several years ago, Fiona Bruce also started another Free Legal Advice Clinic in Widnes at the back of a charity shop which is proving equally popular.