Tuesday 9 April 2013

ParentPort One Stop Shop for online safety help

Fiona Bruce MP welcomes new ParentPort ‘one-stop shop’ for parents to keep their children safe on line
Fiona Bruce MP, who has long campaigned in Parliament as one of a number of MPs in a cross-party Parliamentary Inquiry into Online Child Protection which is pressing for reforms to protect children with better online protection, welcomes the move by online media complaints portal ‘ParentPort’ to introduce a ‘one-stop shop’ for parents to help them ensure the safety of their children online.
Fiona Bruce MP says
“This One Stop Shop will help parents to find the necessary tips and resources for keeping their children safe online, not just on their child’s computer but through social networking sites, games consoles or via their mobile phones. With polling showing 83% of people believe the easy availability of pornographic content online is damaging to our young people, this kind of help for parents who are often far less internet savvy than even their youngest children is invaluable and I welcome it. You can access this resource by going to http://www.parentport.org.uk/.”
ParentPort has brought together the advice and useful tips for staying safe online together and organised it into a number of easily accessible top tip categories to help parents learn more about setting up online controls, improving mobile safety and keeping children safe on social networking sites and when using online gaming consoles.
It is estimated that children aged between 8 and 11 years old have not met 12% of their online contacts with this rising to 25% for 12 to 15 year olds.
ParentPort say “One in ten (10%) parents say they do not have parental controls installed on the computer or laptop used by their child either because they don’t know how to do this, or are not aware that it is possible, rising to 21%-25% for fixed/mobile games consoles and 35% for mobile phones.”