Wednesday 10 April 2013

Congleton Link Road raised in Parliament

Congleton Link Road raised in Parliament by MP Fiona Bruce

Fiona Bruce MP receiving Link Road Document from local businessmen

Fiona Bruce MP spoke in Parliament recently on the Congleton Link Road.  The Hansard entry for her speech is as follows:
Mr Deputy Speaker (Mr Lindsay Hoyle): On her birthday, I call Barbara Keeley.
6.33 pm
Barbara Keeley (Worsley and Eccles South) (Lab): Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker.
(...) I will end by wishing a happy birthday to my hon. Friends the Members for Bristol East (Kerry McCarthy) and for Nottingham South (Lilian Greenwood) and my right hon. Friend the
26 Mar 2013 : Column 1579
Member for Wolverhampton South East (Mr McFadden). I do not know whether any Government Members have birthdays today, but if they do I wish then a happy birthday, too.
6.38 pm
Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): In fact, today is also my birthday! I am grateful for the opportunity, on this jolly occasion, to draw the House’s attention to proposals for a Congleton link road that would run from Sandbach road to the west of the town, past the north of the town centre and on to Macclesfield road to the east. The potential benefits have been excellently summed up in an appropriately titled document, “The key to unlocking Cheshire East: Securing jobs and a future for the local economy”, which has been compiled by a forward thinking partnership of Congleton business people and the East Cheshire chamber of commerce, collectively called the Link2Prosperity group—L2P.
The road would improve connectivity right across east Cheshire by improving links to Manchester airport, the M60 and the M6, the latter being just 10 minutes away at Sandbach, junction 17, in my constituency. It would also improve connectivity to the rail network, particularly the inter-city connection at Crewe, and would help alleviate heavy traffic problems that the people of Holmes Chapel have endured for 40 years.

David Rutley (Macclesfield) (Con): On my hon. Friend’s birthday, she is making a characteristically powerful speech. I agree wholeheartedly that the Congleton link road will be vital in improving connectivity in east Cheshire and to stimulate economic growth. Does she agree that it is also important to have a similar road—the Poynton-Woodford relief road—to help to improve connectivity in the north of our borough?

Fiona Bruce: I absolutely do agree. It is interesting to note that both these roads are priorities in Cheshire East council’s draft development strategy.
The Congleton link road would reduce the daily traffic congestion in the centre of Congleton that impedes businesses, residents and school pupils and has been described by Siemens, the town’s biggest employer, as “chronic”. It would also reduce the consequential high levels of nitrous oxide at pollution hot spots in the town.
The benefits of this road involve far more than traffic improvements alone. Its route north of the town would open up much-improved access to industrial and business park sites that are small, land-locked, in poor condition and under-occupied, which means that existing businesses looking to expand are being forced to relocate. Moreover, the sites offer minimal opportunities for inward investment by new businesses. All this could radically change with the investment in these sites that improved connectivity both locally and regionally would justify. The benefits of opening them up are cited not only in the L2P document but in Cheshire East council’s draft development strategy, which states in its foreword that the council has
“a jobs-led development strategy, supported by improved connectivity through sustainable infrastructure such as the…Congleton Link Road”.
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It goes on to say that the strategy
“seeks to promote the right conditions for jobs growth—by boosting the delivery of existing major employment sites, improving connectivity and identifying new areas for future investment and expansion.”
The Congleton link road will do just that.
Let me give a case study. The L2P document talks about Senior Aerospace Bird Bellows, which is based at Radnor Park estate, one of the business sites to the north of Congleton. SABB manufactures key aircraft components, and it is Congleton’s second largest employer. Key visitors to SABB include Boeing, Airbus and Rolls-Royce. Sadly, as the L2P document states, the condition of Radnor Park estate does not reflect its status as the home of a high-tech, world-class manufacturer. SABB is set to grow; indeed, 100 jobs are about to be attracted to the company very soon. However, if it is to remain in Congleton, it is crucial that Radnor Park estate is improved. Improvements to the Radnor Park site, and indeed to other business sites in the area, could provide knock-on benefits in terms of attracting additional new businesses and much-needed employment opportunities, particularly for young people, that cannot be overestimated. That is why over 60 local companies listed in the L2P document support the link road proposal, including the town’s biggest employer, Siemens, which says that
“this new artery has the potential to pump new levels of economic activity into this town.”
The proposals are also supported by Congleton town council, Congleton Partnership and the retail arm of Congleton Business Association, which say that there is a need to focus on contemporaneous support for the town centre’s public realm and retail sector to ensure that that part of the town flourishes, in conjunction with this redevelopment, just as much as the business parks. I believe that with appropriate creative thinking and investment, the town centre will indeed benefit, not only as a result of the improved traffic flow and access to the town centre, but because it will provide a more pleasant shopping and leisure experience, and, one hopes, increased footfall as a result. Other key supporters include Congleton high school, Eaton Bank school and Congleton Town football club, all of which have ambitious aspirations to develop their facilities—something that could be facilitated by the link road development, with its improved connectivity and release of land.
In association with the link road, there would be additional housing developments. These must be sensitively planned, taking into account the existing communities’ views. That is a very important consideration that we must continually be aware of.
I ask the Minister to raise this important local proposal with his colleagues in the Department of Transport in the hope that I, and others, will be able to meet Ministers there in the near future to discuss this project in greater detail.
Commenting after Fiona’s contribution David Watson, Chairman of The East Cheshire Chamber of Commerce said:
“Our  Member of Parliament, Fiona Bruce MP,  is always there to support her constituents and the businesses within her constituency. On 26th March ( her birthday, no less ) she once again brought to the attention of the house the needs of Congleton when she raised the issue of the proposed “Link Road”. Her five minute speech raised so many key pointers, and she also managed to name many of the other supporters of a link road, e.g. schools, leisure facilities, business groups and other businesses from across the area that recognise the need to link Cheshire East.”
Tim McCloud, Managing Director of TMC and Chairman of Link2Prosperity said:
The Link2Prosperity (L2P) group was created to highlight what we believe is the key to unlocking Congleton and Cheshire East. It will ultimately help towards securing jobs and a future for the local economy. The people, schools, businesses, retail and community groups we have spoken to in Congleton are overwhelmingly in favour of a link road and improving the town and its facilities. The link road will also benefit the region, improving employment and securing a future for the next generation. The L2P group is delighted to have received such committed support from Fiona Bruce MP who is clearly dedicated to the creation of jobs within our town."
Anthony Bird, Managing Director of Senior Aerospace Bird Bellows said of the link road project
Currently the town’s second largest employer, Senior Aerospace, has outgrown its existing factory on Radnor Park Estate. Senior Aerospace has 209 employees and has the potential to create another 200 jobs over the next five years however additional premises appropriate to high integrity aircraft parts are a necessity.
The management at Senior Aerospace is committed to the development of the company in Congleton but the lack of suitable premises in a modern industrial park with direct access to trunk roads supports a business case to move out of the area.
The link road with the associated development of Radnor Park Estate will enable Senior Aerospace and other local companies to develop and grow. It will also provide facilities to attract new companies to the town further benefitting the Congleton economy.
Businesses create local employment and wealth for an area but equally a thriving local community supports the development of business and also helps attract new businesses. This creates a virtuous circle benefitting both the businesses and the town.”