Friday 4 January 2013

Showmen's Guild Fundraiser

Fiona Bruce MP and Mayor of Cheshire East join Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain annual fundraiser luncheon
This year’s annual luncheon of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain, Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales section was held at Cranage Hall on 4th January. Guests included Fiona Bruce MP, Mr and Mrs George Walton, Mayor and Mayoress of Cheshire East, Dane Valley ward Cheshire East Councillor Les Gilbert and Mayors and Mayoresses from across Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales.
The Guild exists both to support those who work at the many traditional fairs which take place annually across the area and to raise funds for good causes. At the lunch £960 was raised for the Mayor of Cheshire East’s chosen charities for this year – East Cheshire Hospice and the Congleton and Crewe & Nantwich Divisions of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA).
Receiving this sum, Cllr Walton said “I am delighted and surprised to receive this substantial donation today – I did not come expecting any donation and it will go to two very worthy causes.”
At the lunch Fiona Bruce said “ I have been enormously impressed at the charitable work of the Showmen’s Guild which I heard of today, in particular of the Showmen’s Children’s Charity which in the last 18 months alone has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for medical treatment for children to fill a gap where there is no NHS funding. Their latest challenge is to raise over a quarter of a million pounds to send a 14 year old girl called Mollie overseas for urgently needed treatment for cancer of the nervous system, which cannot be obtained in this country.”