Tuesday 29 January 2013

High Speed Two Statement


‘I am relieved that my strong fight on behalf of my constituents to ensure that the line of the route did not impact on any part of the Congleton Constituency has been successful and know it will be a great relief to very many of the residents I represent.

My constituents have endured 18 months of uncertainty with rumours circulating that the line would go right through strong and stable communities in the heart of the Congleton Constituency and affect prime agricultural land. The uncertainty has caused problems for homeowners and farmers in the Congleton Constituency which as a result of today’s announcement will now hopefully end.

I shall continue to press the Government for assistance in respect of very important local transport projects such as the reopening of the Middlewich Rail Link for passenger services.

The Government has now commenced a 3 month consultation on its proposals to take High Speed 2 from Birmingham to Manchester and this will end on the 29th April 2013.

More information can be found online at www.hs2.org.uk

Wednesday 23 January 2013

National Bee Action Plan

Congleton MP creates buzz about bee decline

Congleton MP Fiona Bruce joined a giant bumble bee and campaigners from the environment charity Friends of the Earth to draw attention to the alarming decline in UK bee numbers.

Fiona Bruce MP, speaking from Parliament this week said

“Bees are not only makers of honey, they are also crucial for pollinating crops and plants. Bees pollinate 75% of our plants – vital to our food supply as well as the survival of birds, plants and insects. A sharp fall in their number in recent years has led to growing concerns about the impact this may have on our local environment, farmers, the economy and our food sustainability, so this is my no means an academic issue but has real relevance for us all.

A study last year found that if bees disappeared it would cost British farmers at least £1.8 billion a year to pollinate their crops by hand - which would cause food prices, such as fresh fruit and veg, to rocket.

Concerns about the rapid decline in British Bees are valid. Two bumble bee species are already extinct and action is necessary to stall the downward spiral in bee numbers. I commend the Friends of the Earth’s campaign in this connection.”

The Friends of the Earth Bee Cause campaign has been backed by more than 80,000 people and calls for the Government to urgently to introduce a National Bee Action Plan aimed at saving our bees.

Friends of the Earth’s Executive Director Andy Atkins said:

“I’m delighted Fiona is showing support for Britain’s threatened bees – they are under severe threat and need all the support they can get.

“People up and down the country can help by creating bee-friendly gardens and habitats to enable bees to thrive, but it is vital that the Government does its bit too by introducing a National Bee Action Plan.”

Friends of the Earth’s Bee Cause campaign is asking the Government to adopt a National Bee Action Plan:
·        to ensure our towns and countryside provide bees with enough flowers to feed on and places to nest;
·        to help farmers, gardeners and park keepers to reduce chemicals that harm bees;
·         and to protect Britain’s 250+ bee species, not only the ones who make our honey.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Cold Weather Payments

Fiona Bruce MP notifies eligible constituents of Cold Weather Payments
The Department of Work and Pensions Cold Weather Payment has been triggered for eligible people within the ST7 postcode area which covers a number of areas in Fiona Bruce’s constituency including Alsager, Rode Heath and Scholar Green, due to the poor weather conditions for the period 19/1/2013 to 25/1/2013.
Fiona said “these Cold Weather Payments will be made automatically to certain recipients of Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Pension Credit. The rate is set at £25 a week during periods of cold weather where the temperature is forecast to be at 0oC for seven consecutive days.
If you believe you are eligible and have not received this automatic payment, I urge you to contact the Department for Work and Pensions.”
For further information on whether you are eligible for these payments please go to http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/SN06074

Top Tips for Business Funding

10 Top Tips for Access to Business Funding Support

Fiona Bruce MP today gave her 10 top tips for Government funded business support.

Fiona said “The Private sector is key to getting the country successfully out of the challenging economic situation inherited from the last government. The former director of the CBI, Lord Digby-Jones has said “without businesses there are no taxes and without taxes there are no schools or hospitals.” It is heart-warming to note that over half a million new private sector jobs have been created by businesses over the past year. So business people are playing their part – and as I know, it is terrific hard work to run a business and make it work, especially in difficult economic times like these when every piece of work is hard won and every pound hard earned. So I pay tribute to the part local business people are playing and it is right that Government plays its part too, which is why these measures are so important. I am very keen to ensure that eligible businesses in my constituency and in the wider Cheshire region are fully aware of these funding and business support, job creation, and mentoring opportunities.”

1.    UK Export Finance: Provides trade credit insurance to exporters and guarantees to banks to support UK exports.  The Chancellor’s December Statement announced UKEF would provide up to £1.5billion in loans to finance small firms’ exports. Further information can be found at: www.ukexportfinance.gov.uk
2.    Enterprise Finance Guarantee (EFG): Provides up to £2bn of additional lending to SMEs. Budget 2012 announced measures to incentivise lenders to lend more to smaller businesses by raising the level of lenders’ EFG portfolios to which the Government guarantee applies.  Further details can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/enterprise-finance-guarantee
3.    Enterprise Capital Funds: Provides for more than £300m of venture capital investment to address the equity gap for early stage innovative SMEs. Eleven funds have been launched since 2006 and more than £150m invested in companies. Further details can be found at: http://www.capitalforenterprise.gov.uk/portfolio
4.    Business Finance Partnership (BFP): Provides funding to help businesses access non-bank finance through the BFP.  It has allocated £100m to invest through non-traditional lending channels that can reach smaller businesses, which could include peer-to-peer platforms and supply chain financing.  Further details on BFP can be found at : http://www/bis.gov.ul/business-finance-partnership
5.    Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI): Provides funding to improve the global competitiveness of UK advanced manufacturing supply chains. Following £125m for two rounds, the Chancellor’s December Statement included £120m for two further rounds of the AMSCI. Details will be announced shortly on how to apply. www.gov.uk/bis
6.    StartUp Loan Scheme: Provides advice and start-up finance (around £2500) for 18-30 year olds looking to start and grow their own businesses.  Further details can be found at: http://www.startuploans.co.uk
7.    Business Angel Co-Investment Fund: Provides a £50m Fund to invest with syndicates of business angels who are interested in investing in SMEs in qualifying areas of England.  Further details can be found at: http://www.angelcofund.co.uk/
8.    GrowthAccelerator: Provides help to up to 26,000 SMEs achieve their high growth potential over three years. Working with an experienced coach, qualifying businesses will receive a focused growth plan, master classes, networking and peer-to-peer support.  Further details can be found at: http://growthaccelerator.com/
9.    New Enterprise Allowance: Provides help for unemployed people who want to start a business, with an emphasis on sustainability and growth potential.  It is available to people aged 18 and over who have been claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance for three months or more.  Further details can be found at: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/adviser/updates/new-enterprise-allowance/
10.  Get Mentoring: Provides SMEs with access to mentors who can support and guide the development of businesses.  Further details can be found at: http://getmentoring.org/

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Arise Cheshire East New Year Meeting

Fiona Bruce MP joins Arise Cheshire East New Year meeting

The latest Arise Cheshire East meeting, held at the start of the year (4th January) at the Wych Centre, Middlewich, was joined by Fiona Bruce MP and Cheshire East Councillors,  Steve Wilkinson and Louise Brown.  Also present was Rob Wykes, Director of Christian Concern in Crewe, representatives from the CAB and St Luke’s Hospice as well as the Archdeacon of Macclesfield Ian Bishop and Co-leader of Arise, Carolyn McQuaker, together with residents from churches from many denominations across the whole of Cheshire East.

Arise Cheshire East exists to pray and support prayer for the area and to encourage practical community support. This was the latest of several meetings held over the past year including at Macclesfield Town Hall, Crewe Municipal Offices and in the reception of Cheshire East Council offices at Westfields, Sandbach.
During the meeting at Middlewich the group prayed at the start of 2013, for issues of local and national concern including for challenges faced by young people in the area, and for those involved in caring for our elderly population, for the work of Cheshire East Council and for national issues including the forthcoming Parliamentary Vote regarding a change in the laws on marriage.
Carolyn McQuaker said “This has been a great morning and an important meeting together to unite in prayer for Cheshire East and our nation at this critical time.”
These meetings are open to anyone who wishes to join in prayer for those concerned for the area we live in and our society both locally and nationally.  More information about Arise Cheshire East can be found on www.arisecheshireeast.org.uk.

Friday 4 January 2013

Local Plan Consultation

MP says ‘Speak up’ to protect your communities and valued green spaces

Congleton MP, Fiona Bruce, is urging all her constituents to contribute to the recently launched consultation on the Cheshire East Local Plan in order to protect local communities and cherished green spaces.

Fiona said:

In recent months greenfield sites across the Congleton Constituency have been targeted by developers. Engaging in this consultation is hugely important as a contribution towards the development of a Local Plan which really will reflect the wishes and views of local people for the future development of our area, and to provide a defence against development in unwanted areas.’

The consultation, which was due to commence on the 15th January has been brought by forward by the Council. It both identifies draft designated development sites, across Cheshire East and thereby effectively provides greenfield sites and green spaces – not designated in the draft plan as developable - with the protection they require against future planning applications.

The consultation will still run until the 26th February.

Residents can view the document online by visiting www.cheshireast.gov.uk/localplan. Copies are also available for viewing at Cheshire East Service Centres, libraries and the Council’s Headquarters at Westfields, Sandbach.

Responses can be emailed to localplan@cheshireeast.gov.uk or sent by letter to Spatial Planning, Cheshire East Council, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1HZ.

In speaking about the importance of commenting on the consultation, Fiona said:

This is the most significant and important opportunity which residents will have to shape our local communities for years to come. I am therefore urging everyone concerned about the future of our area to take the time to comment on this draft Development Strategy. The proposals in it are not binding at this time, so if a local community has concerns about anything within the draft plan – or indeed wants to put forward alternative proposals- people should voice their concerns now. The importance of the final Local Plan in influencing local planning decisions cannot be overstated.’

Parliamentary Question by Fiona Bruce - House of Commons 17th December 2012

Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): My constituents in Sandbach are furious that the Hind Heath road planning application, for 269 houses on prime agricultural greenfield land, has been granted on appeal. The pressures on roads, services and infrastructure will be unsustainable, and the decision flies in the face of localism, as the area was not classed for development under the Sandbach town plan. Will the Minister explain how development on such a wholly unsustainable site can be justified and what can be done to ensure that further, similar applications by developers are not granted across my constituency?

Nick Boles: My hon. Friend has been a tireless advocate for the residents of Sandbach. She will understand that I cannot comment on particular cases, but I think it is fair to say that her local authority has been a bit backwards in coming forwards with a Local Plan. However, I am glad to say that, under its energetic new leadership, it has recently published a draft plan for public consultation, which will provide her constituents with a defence against speculative development.

Showmen's Guild Fundraiser

Fiona Bruce MP and Mayor of Cheshire East join Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain annual fundraiser luncheon
This year’s annual luncheon of the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain, Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales section was held at Cranage Hall on 4th January. Guests included Fiona Bruce MP, Mr and Mrs George Walton, Mayor and Mayoress of Cheshire East, Dane Valley ward Cheshire East Councillor Les Gilbert and Mayors and Mayoresses from across Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales.
The Guild exists both to support those who work at the many traditional fairs which take place annually across the area and to raise funds for good causes. At the lunch £960 was raised for the Mayor of Cheshire East’s chosen charities for this year – East Cheshire Hospice and the Congleton and Crewe & Nantwich Divisions of the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA).
Receiving this sum, Cllr Walton said “I am delighted and surprised to receive this substantial donation today – I did not come expecting any donation and it will go to two very worthy causes.”
At the lunch Fiona Bruce said “ I have been enormously impressed at the charitable work of the Showmen’s Guild which I heard of today, in particular of the Showmen’s Children’s Charity which in the last 18 months alone has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for medical treatment for children to fill a gap where there is no NHS funding. Their latest challenge is to raise over a quarter of a million pounds to send a 14 year old girl called Mollie overseas for urgently needed treatment for cancer of the nervous system, which cannot be obtained in this country.”