Monday 30 April 2012

Eaton Bank School Parliament Visit

Fiona Bruce MP meets with pupils from Eaton Bank School in Parliament and encourages other schools to do the same

On Tuesday 24th April Fiona Bruce MP met in Parliament with eighteen Economics, Business Studies and Politics pupils from Eaton Bank School. Fiona Bruce discussed the wide range of work of undertaken as a Member of Parliament and took questions from pupils. During their visit the pupils also enjoyed a tour of Parliament and watched Question Time with the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

One of the most interesting things students saw was the Diamond Jubilee Window – a stained glass window presented to Queen Elizabeth II as a gift from Members of both Houses on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee address to Parliament (see picture).

Fiona Bruce commented:

“It is always a pleasure to meet with school pupils from my constituency in Parliament, and such a visit can compliment a vast variety of subjects – not just politics - as experienced by the pupils of Eaton Bank School on their annual visit to Parliament. The tours provide a fascinating insight into the history and workings of Parliament, whilst the topics discussed in question time and debates ranging from the economy to international aid illuminate subjects studied in the classroom. I encourage all schools in my constituency a visit Parliament.”

Speaking of his trip, Andrew Hobson, a Politics and Economics pupil commented:

"It was great that Fiona Bruce took the time to meet us. I especially enjoyed having the opportunity to ask her questions about her day-to-day work as an MP".

Mike Hodgson, a Business Studies, Economics and Politics pupil enthused:

"The tour of the Palace of Westminster was excellent and the highlight for me was seeing the Chancellor and the Shadow-Chancellor debating the economy in the House of Commons".

Mr Tony McNulty, Head of Economics, Business Studies and Politics said:

“The trip to Westminster which takes place annually, provides Eaton Bank students with a fabulous insight into the workings of our legislature, which of course greatly enhances their enjoyment of what they are studying."

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Child Online Protection Launch

MP co-launches Independent Parliamentary Inquiry into Online Child Protection and calls on the Government to take action

Fiona Bruce MP was part of a Panel of MPs and Peers who today lauched the report of the Independent Parliamentary Inquiry into Online Child Protection, and called upon the Government to take action.

Fiona, who was a Lead Member on the Inquiry said from Westminster:

For the first time through this Inquiry, a clear signal is being sent out from Parliament that much more needs to be done to develop effective methods to protect young people from access to unsuitable internet materials, ideally through an Opt-in system so that parents can be sure that their children cannot access unsuitable material on the internet, but can continue to benefit in a healthy way from use of the internet.

Time and again during our Inquiry, we heard from witnesses who reported an astronomical rise in the viewing of pornographic and violent material by youngsters, particularly teenage boys and of the frequent and accidental stumbling upon adult material by children – for example when one very young child put in the word ‘fairy’. Witlessness’ also spoke of the sense of powerlessness which many parents feel to tackle this issue – partly because so often they are technologically disadvantaged, but also because appropriate action has not been taken by Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

This report aims to change that – and as will be seen from the recommendations (cf page 8) calls on the Government to introduce legislation to resolve this issue, one of huge concern to parents, should the ISPs fail to implement the appropriate technological solutions themselves. The Inquiry concluded that ideally this would involve the introduction of an Opt-in filtering content system for all internet accounts throughout the UK. Any other solution would be patchwork and only partly effective’.

Speaking during the launch of the report this morning in Parliament, Fiona commented:

the argument that this is censorship simply doesn’t hold water. This is not about censorship - it is about protection. It’s about giving back our children their childhoods. It is about allowing them to grow up free of the awareness of so many issues they simply don’t need to know about. Our Panel of Inquiry heard time and time again from witnesses about how in many cases material, far more explicit and hardcore than many parents realise, is easily accessible at the click of a button by young people. Repeatedly, we were told by witnesses about how damaging this is. Experts told us of concerning changes they are seeing on the part of young people in terms of increased worries about body image, of a reduction in sexual inhibitions to early and risky sexual behaviour, of resultant relationship difficulties which could potentially last long into adulthood and of a desensitising of children and youngsters to violent and sexual aggressive acts. We wouldn’t let our children watch this on TV of films – why allow it on the internet?

The power of that one click of a button for our children to access this material needs to be passed to parents – with one click though an Opt-in system to ensure internet safety for our children.

These recommendations are about empowering parents to be the responsible parents they want to be and letting every child have the childhood they deserve.

We the MPs and Peers on the Inquiry Panel, have a sense of urgency about this. We have not given our time to this report for it to gather dust. Action must follow and we will not be deterred from finding solutions from the so-called technological complexities of resolving this issue. In fact the ISPs do already have the technological capacity to do so – they already screen for gambling and as the reports says – if necessary we will pursue the Government to legislate to resolve this issue’.

A copy of the report can be accessed by visiting

Young Enterprise Awards

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates students of Eaton Bank School on Young Enterprise award

At a recent Young Enterprise awards event at Bentley Motors in Crewe, students from Eaton Bank School were awarded ‘Best Presentation’ for their business project creating and developing model aeroplanes.  The event was attended by a number of schools, along with their supportive teachers, business mentors and local business people.
In a keynote speech at the event Fiona Bruce MP, herself an entrepreneur and UK Winner of ‘Women in Business Award’ for the successful founding and development of her business, spoke of the importance of inspiring a whole new generation of young people to become entrepreneurs and set up their own businesses, as she did almost 25 years ago.
Fiona Bruce said “I particularly congratulate the students From Eaton Bank because their entry involved manufacturing. The importance of developing and increasing our country’s capacity to manufacture goods and sell them worldwide cannot be overstated if we are to achieve the economic resurgence this country needs.  Creating and developing a new product, particularly in the space of one academic year, is no mean feat and for this reason Eaton Bank School’s entry quite rightly received particular commendation at the Young Enterprise awards.”
Mairi Rice, Head of ICT at Eaton Bank said “"It was an absolute pleasure watching the students present their year's worth of work in front of the Young Enterprise judges and hearing Fiona Bruce speak about the importance of encouraging young people to aspire to become entreprenuers.  It was such an achievement to win the 'Best Presentation' award as the competition from other schools was extremely tough.  I am tremendously proud of all the students and the hard work they put in; not only on the night but for the whole year.” 

Macmillan in Parliament

Local Charity volunteers congratulated in Parliament by Macmillan HQ for their fantastic fundraising
Fiona Bruce MP invited Carol and Ken Gledhill of Congleton Macmillan Cancer Support Group to Parliament recently so that they could hear of the work done with funds they raise and discuss the priorities of Macmillan with those from the Macmillan Cancer Support Headquarters.
Fiona Bruce MP said “It’s really good to get these two groups of people together.  After the immense time, energy and dedication that Carol and Ken Gledhill put into fundraising it is important for fundraisers like them to know firsthand how money is spent and to be able to contribute towards discussing the correct priorities for the charity, spending donated and collected funds.  So I was very pleased to arrange this meeting.  One of the key priorities they decided upon was how to ensure that people at the end of life have a ‘good death’,- meaning the right care, of the manner they choose, and that their families are fully supported at that most difficult of times.”
Jeremy Adams-Strump of Macmillan Cancer Support said “I’d like to thank Fiona for inviting Ken and Carol down to Westminster so we could hear about the incredible work they do in Congleton to raise money for Macmillan.  Their support helps us to reach and improve the lives of people affected by cancer both locally and nationally. Macmillan helps people in many ways, from specialist nurses and doctors, to help and advice for people who have financial worries.  None of this would be possible without the incredible efforts of fundraisers such as the Congleton Macmillan Cancer Support Group.” 
An event in support of Congleton Macmillan Cancer Group is being held at FX Leisure, Barn Road Congleton on Sunday 29th April from 7.30pm.
Entry is free and there will be champagne and strawberries on arrival, taster cocktails, a buffet, stalls from a number of companies, taster classes in legs, bums and tums, zumba and more.  All money made at the event will go to Macmillan Cancer Support.
Carol Gledhill of Congleton Macmillan Cancer Support Group said “I want to thank FX for hosting this event and all their support and hope that many people attend. Our visit to Parliament was a day I will never forget.”

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Hill House

Fiona Bruce MP visits new facilities at Hill House

Fiona Bruce MP visited Hill House, Leonard Cheshire Disability recently in order to see their new facilities.
Fiona said “I am very impressed with the transformation of the facilities at Hill House since my last visit just over two years ago. This change is a credit to all who have worked hard at Hill House.”
Hill House has a “Wish List for 2012”, some of these things, which Fiona Bruce MP went to see, have been achieved such as mobile sensory equipment and sensory gardens to stimulate and give relaxation for residents.  This wish list has further items that Hill House still hope to achieve to further enhance the lives of their residents including an adapted greenhouse to help residents grow plants such as tomatoes. The wish list states that Residents have already shown an improvement in their well being through watching and guiding staff through gardening activities.  Being able to garden themselves is a natural next step.
The Rode Hall lunch committee is holding a fundraising event, in aid of Hill House, on Monday 16th April at 12 pm.  Helena Gerrish will give an illustrated lecture on Edwardian Country Life followed by a marquee lunch. Tickets cost £25 and can be obtained from Sarah Scott 01270 663150. All are welcome.
The money raised by this may go towards fulfilling more wishes of the residents of Hill House in 2012.   

Sounds of the Sudan

Sandbach Churches Together hold fundraising tea for relief work in South Sudan.

Sandbach resident Joe Jones, who has previously lived in Africa for 28 years with his wife Maureen, is currently in South Sudan working to support the JumJum tribe. A tribe that is designated as one of the World’s unreached people and whose language has never been written down.
A fundraising tea was held at the Wesley Centre in Sandbach to raise funds for resources to stock schools and buy medicine and inoculations for the people of the JumJum tribe who Joe is working with.
Maureen Jones gave a talk to those present about the work of her husband.
Donations of support can be given at Sandbach Baptist Church.