Friday 16 September 2016

Middlewich Rail Link Business Case

Fiona Bruce MP secures Minister’s commitment to work on Middlewich Railway Station business case

Fiona Bruce MP has continued her commitment to the campaign for the reopening of Middlewich Railway Station to passengers by asking the new Rail Minister, Paul Maynard MP, to look at the recent business case plan for the re-opening of the station.

Speaking in the House of Commons after asking a Parliamentary Question at Transport Questions to the Minister, Fiona said “I was extremely pleased with the response from the new Rail Minister which was as positive as we could hope for at this early stage. I shall be making arrangements to meet with him to discuss the excellent and detailed business plan recently produced by the Mid Cheshire Rail Link campaign chaired by Stephen Dent of Middlewich.”

The full text of the PQ by Fiona Bruce MP and the answer by Minister for Trains, Paul Maynard MP, is below.

·         Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con)

I am delighted to hear that the northern powerhouse is alive and well. Does the Minister agree that if it is to have real effect, it is important that investment is made in connectivity not just between the cities of the north, but between the towns? I thank Ministers for the initial investment in the Middlewich bypass, but will they also look at the business case for the reopening of the Middlewich railway station?

·         Paul Maynard

As someone born and bred in a town very close to Middlewich, I am well aware in my 40 years of the importance of the town’s connectivity at the heart of Cheshire. I know that there are good plans for Middlewich’s new station and look forward to working with my hon. Friend on progressing the business case.