Friday 12 August 2016

Fiona Bruce MP urges people to support newlife foundation for disabled children

'Fiona Bruce MP urges people to support newlife foundation for disabled children

Fiona Bruce MP met representatives from newlife foundation for disabled children recently, a local charity helping disabled and terminally ill children in the UK, the UK’s largest charity funder of disability equipment for disabled children. The charity will collect no longer needed medical equipment so that it can be reused rather than it being thrown away.

Fiona Bruce MP said "I'm urging my constituents to support this excellent charity which is meeting more than one real need. Over the years several residents have contacted me expressing concern that they have been told to dispose of medical equipment after they have used it, - some valuable - when it could be used again by someone else who very much needs it. This recently founded, but already successful and growing charity solves that problem and will even collect items of equipment form people's homes! I encourage everyone to keep a note of their contact details.”