Thursday 28 July 2016

Fiona Bruce MP calls on Government to ring-fence funding for children’s mental health services

Fiona Bruce MP calls on Government to ring-fence funding for children’s mental health services

In a letter to the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP, Fiona Bruce has called on the Government to ring-fence funds it allocates for child mental health support services.

Fiona Bruce who is Patron of Visyon met this week with Gervase McGrath, CEO of Visyon, and said

 “Ring fencing would ensure when Government announces that additional funds are being allocated to support child mental health services, they really are extra to existing budgets when locally distributed and achieve their aim”.

Speaking after their meeting Gervase McGrath said

“In Autumn 2015 Fiona and I attended a seminar in the House of Lords consulting with young people on changes to children’s mental health services.  What we heard there gave us real cause for optimism that things were about to get better.  Sadly the competing financial pressures on local health services have prevented all of the money going to where it was intended.  I join Fiona in calling on the Government to ring fence this money to ensure that this initiative is successful in changing the outlook for the many children and families struggling to access the support they so badly need”.

Fiona Bruce added If Government refers to funds as additional then this should mean just that.”

“There is a pressing need in this area for this additional funding with increasing numbers of children as young as 4 needing such help and it is vital that the excellent work of Visyon and other organisations providing this help are properly resourced.  In addition, as mentioned in a report recommending Family Hubs in local communities which I released last week, greater focus should also be put on helping parents to build strong and enduring family relationships, since, as Gervase and I discussed, this would help prevent many of the problems affecting children’s mental health which stem from chaotic, unstable and insecure relationships”.