Wednesday 16 March 2016

Fairer Funding for Schools Annoucement

Fiona Bruce MP said:

‘Whilst we have yet to see the exact detail this is in principle very good news for schools, families and pupils across my constituency. As the local MP, I have fought continuously over several years for a change to the current system, which is so unfair to our local schools. Most recently, I arranged a high-level meeting between the Government Minister, Sam Gyimah MP and head teachers of local schools, in January of this year, to discuss the specific issues facing our pupils and families in this area. It is extraordinary that a school in one part of the country can receive over 50% more than an identical school in another part of the country. Congleton constituency schools, as part of Cheshire East, are located in the sixth most poorly funded authority in the country. It is wholly unacceptable that Cheshire East schools receive £200 less per pupil per year than Cheshire West schools; a total shortfall of over £1,000,000 over five years. This is unacceptable, I am delighted that the Government has put an end to this. As the Education Secretary said, ‘Current allocations are based on circumstances and decisions made over a decade ago…We must now address these historic inequalities.’

‘Under the new formula, which will be consulted on with schools and the public, budgets will be based on need. In addition, the single national funding formula will work on a school-by-school basis, rather than a local authority-led basis, simplifying and stabilising the funding system, giving headteachers more certainly over future budgets. The formula will take into account funding for additional needs and school costs, including those related to school serving rural communities. I am also pleased that, as part of the changes, there will be funding for local authorities towards young people with high-level special educational needs on a fair basis, based on need not location.’

‘This is a significant day for schools across the country – but especially to schools in the Congleton constituency, which have borne the brunt of this unfair and out-of-date system. I am very pleased that our determined campaigning has been successful.’