Wednesday 22 October 2014

Cheshire Brave Officer of the Year 2014

Fiona Bruce MP congratulates Brave Officer in Parliament

PC Greg Cross, Cheshire’s Brave Officer of the Year 2014, was congratulated in Parliament by Fiona Bruce MP and Graham Evans MP.
PC Cross, a dog handler, was on duty in Sandbach when 5 males armed with a machete and a baseball bat tried to rob a security vehicle in Congleton. After they fled the scene PC Cross followed the suspects’ vehicle at high speed as it approached and passed the motorway junction. When they abandoned their vehicle PC Cross gave chase, with his police dog, on foot, without hesitation despite the suspects being armed. He called for reinforcements and they apprehended two of the suspects before also apprehending the further three. PC Cross then continued to search the surrounding area for evidence vital to securing a conviction.
Fiona Bruce saidIt was a pleasure to meet PC Greg Cross, who certainly deserves the title Brave Officer. He is clearly an asset to the Cheshire Constabulary having risked his own safety to make our community safer for all. He deserves the highest commendation.”