Monday 14 April 2014

Leprosy Mission Event to be held in Congleton - 2nd May

Leprosy Mission Event to be held 2nd May with Fiona Bruce MP

An open evening will be held at the Chappell Centre, Holy Trinity Church, Mossley, Leek Road, Congleton on 2nd May at 7pm with Fiona Bruce MP to explain the work of the Leprosy Mission.
Fiona Bruce saidHaving spent time with people afflicted by Leprosy in  Africa I know what a difference the help of the Leprosy Mission can make. Even a relatively modest means of support such as modifying a trowel or a rake so that a leprosy sufferer who has lost their hands can still till their land for crops can make an enormous difference to their livelihood and that of their family. I am therefore very pleased to have been invited to support this event.”